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"Oh my god." Izuku's eyes widened.

"Nothing in his name I promise you." The man smiled at Izuku with a smug look

"What about him, actually. Like why are you here. And oh my you, your my dad." Izuku stared at his father intently.

"Yes, I am your father. I'm here because I was once god, I created the universe, but I wasn't ruling the way my brother, your uncle, wanted me to. So he overthrew me. I have since forgiven him. We have family reunions once a year and it's coming up, so I wanted to invite you?" the man looked at him with kind eyes that Izuku couldn't refuse to.

"Okay, fine." Soon enough Izuku got himself back to the dorms with a number code his father gave him.

666- to get to hell

231- earth



Izuku walked into his class and greeted his new sensei. Almost instantly he noticed the man's gorgeous eyes.

"Are you going to keep staring kid?" the tall looked amused by this. "shota Aizawa, I'll be your homeroom teacher for the rest of this year." Izuku looked him up and down, noticing how good the sleepy man looked in his inky black suit.

"Uh yeah, nice to meet you." the two men reached out and shook hands, feeling sparks of electric go through his body he decided to pull away, faster than intended.

Izuku sat down in his seat, being greeted by his new neighbour, Uraraka ochako.

"Hey! I'm ochako uraraka, your new right?"

"Mhm." he mumbled.

"Well the black haired girl and blue haired boy over there are Yaoyorozou momo and Iida tenya, they are the class reps. They are always the first people I go to when I need help with class work or something, what's your name?"

"Midoriya Izuku." he tells her coldly.

Once class was over Izuku was the first to get to his dorm, he wanted to see his father once again.

"666." Midoriya said, and sure enough within seconds he was in front of his father.

"Ahh son!" Satan said, with a welcoming look. "What brings you here."

"Look, sa- dad. I'm dying to know what my soulmate looks like!" Izuku said, with a smile.

"Alright kid, he's a bit older, with black hair and black eyes. He's tall and muscular and that's all I know. I'm retiring and once you bond you will ascend the throne kiddo." Satan looks lovingly into his child's eyes and Izuku felt the shiver down his spine.

"Can you tell me what my powers are? I mean, I know I can fly but that's honestly everything I know."

"okay, lets see... you can, fly, teleport, stop or slow time, bring out a persons desires, fears and weaknesses, let off poisonous gas, let off an aroma that sexually attracts humans, your immortal unless your around your soulmate, you can shapeshift, you have superhuman strength and speed and you can also take a person's power for a limited time. I think that's it." izuku's jaw dropped at his insane amount of power.

"No way." Izuku and his father finished their conversation quickly before Izuku had to go back to earth to go to school.

Izuku lit up a spliff on the balcony under the cold moon, praying no one smelt it when he heard a knock on the door of his room.

"Come in."

"You know you shouldn't smoke that stuff at school, I could smell it from the kitchen." said a dark husky voice.

"Mr. Aizawa? shit. sorry. I have a lot on my mind."

"Don't worry kid, as long as it's on the balcony and not inside I don't mind."

Izuku gestured for Shota to have a toke and he jumped at the chance, taking it and puffing multiple times.

"mm, this is good stuff kid. where'd you get it?"

"Just my dealer from south side, I can hook you up."

Aizawa contemplated it for a while, but ultimately chose not to. The two men just stood there for what felt like forever. Izuku sat down to roll another two and Aizawa followed. the two men lit their respective spliffs and started puffing away.

"Go on kid, hit me. What's on your mind."

"If I told you, trust me you wouldn't believe me."

"Try me." said a now high Aizawa.

"Oh where do I start." said Izuku, already regretting it. "Well my mother has gone missing and my father's the devil, I'm addicted to nicotine and I seriously don't know why I'm here because I don't even want to be a hero but me father told me i'd-"

"Woah kid. your mums missing, your dads the devil, your a smoker and you don't want to be a hero?" Aizawa said, seriously confused. "What did your dad tell you?"

"If you let me finish, I was going to say that he told me that my soulmate is in this school at this moment." Izuku said.

The two men sat there most of that night sharing traumas and funny stories.

"One time I went out partying and I woke up in a museum with no shirt on, my body full of tattoos and piercings and only one shoe." Izuku shared. "I only found the shoe a month later."

Aizawa was holding his aching side, in pain from laughing so much and Izuku was already on the floor, giggling at aizawa's face. That night was the most emotion Izuku had ever shown. He told Aizawa all about his powers but all Aizawa could do was laugh.

"Hang on Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku said, almost dropping him.

"I -hahahaha- can't - ahaha- you're too -aha- funny."

end of chapter

945 words

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