period , new Orleans and the veil chapter 16

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After making sure Shelia was aware of most of the stuff that was going to happen.

I gave her some of the spells that I have on the gang and our house.

like the spell to uninvited a vampire once they have been invited into the house

thank you, true blood universe.

The wards that protect the internal organs ,you know, since they love to rip hearts and cut heads.

So all the people I care about are warded.

well, expect for kol, but his protection spell is different.

Having taken care of that, and with the festival days away, it gave me plenty of time to get some of my affairs in other.

Genesis has finally located one of the pieces that I needed to get rid of.

And wouldn't you know It 's in the city that most of the other bullshit happens in New Orleans.

I called Enzo earlier to get ready for us to go , but unfortunately, two things decided to come along too.

One of them being hurricane Caroline and the other being my period.

That's right mother nature chooses today of all days to fuck with my uterus today.

In my former life, puberty was kind enough not to give me a pimples induced face.

Lucky for me, I have been preparing for this.

So, I created a spell that covered up the smell and odor.

After dealing with that, we all board my private plane.

And yes, I have a plane thanks to enzo and Genesis and my daylight ring side business and some investment. I have some serious income, so yeah, I can afford it.

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We board the plane.

That is when Caroline started asking me questions. " I still can't believe you have all this money.

"I mean, I have seen the house, but still, how can you afford all this?" she asked in a very confusing tone.

I told her about most of my business.

" So, are you sure that nobody will know we are not at home, right?she asked worriedly.

" Yes, I answered her.

"I used my duplication spell, so we are saved , so don't worry."

"So when were you going to tell me you were dating an older guy? Caroline asked in a teasing tone.

I spit out my drink and looked at her.

"Huh, what the hell are you talking? about I asked her.

"Oh, don't give me that Enzo is hot, and you telling me that you havenot been sucking face with him?

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