Chapter 16

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Matt took a step back, his arms dropping away from her. "What?" he whispered.

There was no reply.

The metallic scent that he'd picked up earlier was stronger now, blanketing Calina with a cold aura. Her natural fragrance - that wonderful aroma that had first drawn him to her - was gone, and her pounding heart had slowed to a steady metronome beat.

She glanced around the room as if to orientate herself...then walked passed him without a word, heading for the front door.

He reached for her hand. "Wait. Where are-"

She pulled her hand away and shoved him aside. He took a stumbling step back, more from the shock of the sudden violent motion than the force of her push. He grabbed her by the arm this time, and stepped in front of her, blocking her way. "Calina-"

She twisted out of his hold. "Move," she said. Her voice matched her new scent - cold and...wrong. There was none of the low, melodic warmth in her tone that he was used to. No shy stutter. all.

It was if Calina had disappeared.

What the fuck had just happened?

I'm not going to be me, she'd said.

Even 'seeing' the evidence of that with his senses, he still couldn't understand how she could transform quickly. As if a switch had been flicked.

"You asked me not to let you leave," he said calmly, his hands up. "I'm just following your wishes."

Lightening quick, her leg snapped up in a high kick. He dodged and caught her sneaker clad foot inches from the side of his head. She launched herself off the ground in a spin that loosened his grip, and whipped her other foot up to the other side of his head.

This time she connected.

He staggered back from the blow as she landed gracefully in a crouch, one arm raised to the side to balance herself.

Then she took off running for the door.

He tackled her from behind, the two of them crashing to the ground. He heard her knee slam into the hardwood floor but she didn't utter a sound. She just flipped herself over and punched him in the jaw. He ignored the hit, and grabbed both her arms, pinning them to the floor by her head. "Calina, listen to me. It's Matt. Come back to me."

She bucked up beneath him and swept her arms down to her sides, unbalancing him. As his weight collapsed forward she slithered out from underneath him. He was on his feet a moment later, and caught her as she opened the front door. He slammed it closed and flung her away from it. She clattered against the wall separating his hall from the kitchen. He heard a painful-sounding slap as her back impacted the hard surface, but again, she bore the hit silently.

"I don't want to hurt you, Calina," he panted, his arms up, ready for her next move.

He was reminded of fighting against Elektra when she returned from the dead as the Blacksky - a mindless weapon in the body of the woman he loved. He hadn't wanted to hurt her either, but having sparred and fought beside Elektra in the past, he knew what she was capable of. He knew what she could take.

He didn't know Calina that way.

She was well trained, that was clear, her movements practiced, and quick. But there was something so delicate about her frame. So breakable. He didn't want to cause permanent damage, not when she had come to him for help, desperate to stop whatever she was meant to do outside this apartment.

Unfortunately, she had no such reservations about hurting him. She kicked at him, pushing herself off the wall for more leverage. She aimed for his gut, but he smacked her leg to the side. Then she came at him in a flurry of hits and kicks. She seemed to favour using her legs and her elbows, her upper arm strength lacking force.

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