Chapter 24

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"I like Calina."

The random statement took Matt by surprise. Karen had knocked on his office door moments ago, asking if he wanted anything from the coffee shop around the corner. Her mid-afternoon caffeine slumps needed more than the filtered swill from their decades old coffee machine, so she usually made a coffee run around this time to get a 'proper' drink.

"No, I'm good," Matt had replied. Despite his heightened sense of taste, he was fine with the swill, and was already halfway through a cup.

Karen had nodded and turned to leave...but then paused in his doorway. With her back to him, she softly said, "I like Calina."

"Um, I'm glad."

This morning, both Foggy and Karen had noted how impressed they were with Calina's insights into the mystery drug. Matt had been more than impressed. Listening to Calina unlock the secret behind the drug's - the pheromone's - effects, seeing the proof of her intellect and tenacity and how it had helped them get one step closer to solving the case...he'd been awe-struck. He'd tried to tell her so after his friends had left that night, but she'd just brushed off his compliments with a shrug.

Karen turned around and leaned against the door jamb. "I know things were awkward for a while after...what happened between us. But I like the place we're in now. We work so much better like this - as friends."

"I feel the same way."

"And I'm really happy you've found someone."

"It's not like-" Matt tried to object.

But she didn't seem to hear him. She just continued talking in a slightly nervous, fast jumble. "I'm with David now, and you have Calina. I think everything's happened the way it was meant to. I just wanted to tell you that."

"But Calina and I-"

She started walking backwards out of his office, talking over his attempts to set the record straight. "I'll go grab my coffee now. You sure you don't want anything?"

Matt opened his mouth to try one more time, but she was almost at the door. She seemed ready to bolt, as if she'd psyched herself up for her speech and now that it was over she wanted nothing more than to disappear.

He recognised how hard it was for her to broach the topic of...them. They'd never revisited the conversation they'd had earlier in the year when they'd both decided they'd be better off as friends. And he'd known at the time that Karen had reached that decision from a logical standpoint long before her heart had caught up.

But it seemed like now it had. She was happy with someone else, and wanted him to be happy too.

So now wasn't the time to argue semantics with her. He just shook his head. "I'm fine. But thanks."

The moment the door closed behind her, Foggy entered Matt's office and sat down, his arms crossed. "Are you still trying to pretend you're not with Calina?"

Matt sighed. "I take it you heard that conversation."

"Yep. As well as your pathetic attempts to deny reality."

"It is reality, Fog. Calina and I are just friends."

"Where's your couch, Matt?"

Matt frowned at the strange question. "What?"

"Where is your couch?" Foggy repeated, enunciating each word.

"I had to get rid of it - it broke during the fight with Calina."

"That's what I thought. So where are you sleeping at night?"

Matt took a deep breath and smoothed down his tie, now knowing exactly where Foggy was going with this line of questioning. "In my bed. And before you ask - yes, Calina's there too."

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