Chapter 51

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When Calina woke up the next morning, Matt's side of the bed was empty and cold.

But she soon figured out why - a quick check of his bedside clock revealed it wasn't the morning at all. It was just after 1pm.

She'd slept for over 10 hours.

10 hours!

For an insomniac like Calina, that was unheard of.

She shook her head in wonder and scooted off the bed. She raised her arms above her head, then bent forward, planting her hands on the floor beside her feet. She groaned as the yoga move worked the kinks from her joints and stretched her aching muscles.

Then she checked her left knee. The swelling had gone down but there was still a bit of pain on weight-bearing.

Nothing she couldn't handle. Overall...she felt good. Whether it was from the extended rest, the knowledge that Volkov was gone, or the fact that she was back in Matt's apartment again...didn't really matter. The point was, she felt good. Life was good.

She had her freedom, her health and a man who loved her - despite all common sense and reason on his part.

Calina padded out into the living room to find the man in question sitting at the small dining table, sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Hey, sleepyhead," he greeted her.

She laughed softly. "Hi. Have you been up long?"

"A while. I had some errands to run - mainly getting us some food so we don't starve this weekend."

Calina laughed again and took the seat across from him. She rested her elbow on the table and breathed in the smell of the rich coffee beans.

Matt seemed to notice. "The pot's fresh - let me get you some." He got to his feet and started filling another mug.

"Thank you," Calina replied. She watched him at the kitchen counter with a small smile on her lips. She'd always loved watching him in his apartment - the sure way he manoeuvred around the space and his obvious comfort in being able to move freely. It was the place he was most allowed to be himself... apart from the rooftops of Hell's Kitchen, of course.

Moments later, he handed her the mug, and their fingers brushed as he did so...causing him to snatch his hand away quickly, as if burnt.

Calina's smile dropped. "Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. Fine. Just an electric shock."

Calina let it go, but studied him over the rim of her cup as she took a sip of her drink. On closer inspection, he didn't look as comfortable as he usually did. There was a tension in his shoulders, a subtle tightening of his frame, and as he flitted around the kitchen again she got the impression he was just trying to keep busy.

To avoid sitting next to her.

You're being paranoid, she told herself. They were good. He'd forgiven her, told her he loved her, and held her in his arms as she'd fallen asleep.

They were good.

As Matt started making them lunch, she put down her coffee and joined him in the small kitchen. "Let me help," she said. "I haven't had a chance to cook in ages."

"I wouldn't call putting together a grilled cheese sandwich 'cooking'," he replied. "I think I can manage."

The words were said in a teasing tone, his voice warm and light. But as she came up beside him, her shoulder brushing his, she saw his hand tighten around the knife, his knuckles going white.

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