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-Little Freak-

-i was thinking about who you are-

-your delicate point of view-

Harry did not want to spend his Saturday morning with Rita Skeeter. Unfortunately for him, he had to spend his morning with Rita Skeeter. Rita had asked Professor Moody if she could see the couple "in action", so he and Bria were subjected to Rita's nosey questions while Bria taught him how to make a simple loaf.

They had only just started this impromptu interview five minutes ago, and Harry already wanted to be done. He hates the sound of the Quick-Notes-Quill sketching against the parchment. And the camera that takes pictures with flash.

He thinks that he would rather prefer Colin Creevey with his muggle camera and annoying personality following him around than see Rita for another day.

At least Bria is here to suffer with him. It makes him feel better that he doesn't have to go through this torment alone. Although, by how nice Bria is, he isn't sure that she would even think of it as torment. She's much too nice to think so negatively.

Of course, the situation is extremely awkward. It would've been more comfortable if it were just the two of them alone, similar to that day when they had made cheese buns together. But Rita's presence made the situation much more tense than it needed to be.

It doesn't help that Bria is making Harry participate more in the baking process than when they had made the cheese buns. Bria skillfully answered Rita's questions and effortlessly dodged the more personal ones, such as Rita's insinuation that Bria's mother beats her.

It impressed Harry that she was able to balance answering Rita's questions and giving instructions to Harry on the loaf.

It was no surprise that Harry was bad at it. He doesn't think that he has a baker's touch. The loaf had come out lumpy and sad, but Bria reassured him that if she kneaded it then it would be fixed.

He tried not to stare at her too much while she kneaded the bread, although Rita thinks they're dating so he supposes that him admiring her isn't a bad thing. He just doesn't want Bria to know that he is not paying attention to any of the helpful instructions that she gave him, instead only focusing on her hands on the dough.

He's not sure why he pays so much attention when Bria bakes. He's seen Mrs. Weasley bake loads of times, and he never gives it a second thought.

Perhaps it's because when Bria bakes, she makes it like an artwork. After all, she's an artist, so maybe it's not that surprising that she is able to turn even the most mundane tasks into something worth paying attention to.

He answers Rita's questions automatically and without a second thought, so Harry prays to Merlin that he didn't say anything that would make him a fool of himself.

Surprisingly, he doesn't actually care that much; he is much too preoccupied with observing Bria to care about even the most invasive questions Rita has to offer.

Sadly, the time to observe Bria is over. She sets the loaf aside to poof, and Harry knows that this is Rita's opportunity to ask the "deep" questions.

"So, now that the bread is set aside, how about I ask you two a few questions, hm?" Rita asks, although it seems more like a statement than a question as she has already been asking invasive questions this whole time. Maybe these ones are going to be the more "juicy" questions, as Rita puts it.

"Yes, that would be fine," Bria says, answering for the two of them.

Harry nods in agreement. He thinks it might be best that he tries and speaks as few words as possible to the woman. Harry is unsure if he'll be able to maintain his composure if the woman were to say something that angered him.

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