2Jin x Reader - Mirrors

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"God do you do anything other than stare at the mirror?! All you do is care about yourself and I'm tired of it!" 

        The words echo in your mind as you slam the door on your best friend from high school, Kim Seokjin. You invited him over since he's been away for awhile, on tour with his boy band called 'BTS'. You support him, truly, you do, but lately, all he's been thinking about is himself. 

        You've waited months upon months every time to see him. You plan cute little outings and cook him his favorite meals, but he always seems... distracted. Normally, you would help him out and ask what's wrong, but this isn't a normal case. All he's been doing is staring at himself and asking you 'do you think I look pretty?'. Each time, you would sigh and tell him yes. How could you not? You've always admired his looks, even before he became a famous vocalist, touring the world with the people he loves. Clearly, you're not one of them anymore.

        You feel your heart sting at the thought. You've always loved him. Both as friends and even... as something more. You were going to work up the courage to tell him, but honestly you suspect that he has someone else already. How could he not? He's a gorgeous man with a bright personality and he's famous. That spells out 'you have no chance'. Regardless, you wanted to tell him, just in case. Plus, if you kept it on your chest one day longer you probably would have exploded. But that doesn't matter, he only cared about himself. Again. 

        You finally snapped today, well, just two minutes ago, really. You were telling him about how much you liked this guy, how you liked him for years... and what did Jin have to say about it? Nothing. He wasn't even listening. Normally, you would let it slide, but it's been so long that you would hope that instead of staring at himself in the mirror he would listen to you. Not to mention, this isn't the first time he's done this. 

        You shake your head, muttering curses under your breath as you make your way down the stairs, stomping on the floor and into the kitchen. You can't help but pout, sitting down on the first chair you see. You're mad at him to say the least. Even worse, when you told him he was being a bad friend, he just sat there and stared at you like you were joking. How can one person be so dense??? You seriously don't get it. 

        You let out a loud groan, burying your face in your hands. For years, you've been nothing but supportive of him. He became rich and famous, but in the beginning, they were struggling. He would often come back to you after a month of being away and he would cry, scared that his career would fail, that his new friends would fail with him. Each time you would hold him in your arms and just... listen. You'd stroke his hair and listen. You'd tell him things would get better. You normally wouldn't say this: but can't he return the favor at least once? You don't expect things in return, you enjoy giving people your ears and a shoulder to cry on, but when you do it so much and he just decides not to listen, that's when it becomes a problem.

        You hear footsteps approach, but you don't bother looking up, you know who it is. He sits down across from you, but doesn't speak at first. You're not going to say anything, you don't want to. He has to be a big boy and accept the fact that he messed up. Yes, beautiful, flawless Jin made a mistake. A bad one. 

        "Y/N..." he starts, his voice almost a whisper. Dammit you might be mad at him but when he whispers, you lose your shit. His voice can be so dark and husky when he wants it to be. "I've had a lot on my mind recently..." You snap your head up, "so have I, difference is I don't ignore you and look in the mirror instead. I don't ask you every time I see you if I look pretty! That's not an excuse to treat me like garbage." He looks hurt by your words. "I know... Y/N, I'm going to be honest here." 

        You give him a confused look, raising a brow and slightly leaning forward. "I ask you all the time because I want you to see me as pretty." You almost laugh, "Jin, I have seen you as absolutely gorgeous since the day I first met you." He smiles at that, "I always feel like I'm not worthy to be in your presence." That you do laugh at. "Me? Jin, you're the ultra-famous world wide handsome superstar. I should be the one feeling that way." 

        He sighs, "no, you shouldn't. Truth is, you're right. I've been staring at the mirrors too much. I should be paying attention to you. And... I'm sorry. Really, I am. I do it way too much, and you deserve better. I'm not acting like a best friend, I'm acting like a stranger." You give him a frown, "listen... I know we make mistakes, and I'll forgive you, but you have to start showing me instead of telling me." 

        He raises a brow, "when do I start?" You purse your lips. What did this boy just say? When do I start? Is he oblivious to the whole conversation you just had? You decide to be patient, letting out a deep breath before speaking. "Now." He shrugs, "works for me." That was an answer you expected. What you weren't expecting, however, was for him to lean forward and kiss you. 

        You turn completely red, eyes widening and your lips completely frozen. Jin. Kim fricking Seokjin is kissing you. The man you were desperately trying to confess to minutes ago, is voluntarily kissing you. The kiss only lasts a few seconds, but it's enough to make you a stuttering mess when he pulls away. 

        He gives you a smirk, "and to tell you the truth, Y/N, I knew you were talking about me when you mentioned liking someone." You open your mouth to speak, but the words don't come out. Instead, you just sit there, dumbfounded and as red as a firetruck, staring at him in astonishment. 

        "You- I- what- we- um- kissed- what just happened?" you fumble out, which makes him do one of his famous windshield wiper laughs. He keeps laughing while you sit there, fuming over the series of events that just unfolded. "I can't believe you." "Sucks to be you Y/N." He gives you a wink and dramatically blows a kiss. With huff, you cross your arms over your chest. "So, are you going to ask, or am I?" One of his eyebrows shoots up. "Oh come on you can figure out I like you but not what I mean by that?" 

        He smirks, "to be fair, it wasn't that hard to figure ou-" "Let me guess - you're going to say 'it's me, who isn't in love with me'? Right?" His eyes widen slightly, "you're speaking to my heart right now." You laugh, playfully smacking him, "that doesn't answer my question." He throws his hands up in defeat, "fine... Y/N... I'll admit that you're not the only one with these... feelings. You're like my rock, and I promise I won't take that for granted." 

        You softly smile, your cheeks dusted pink. Jin has complimented you many times before but... this feels different. More intimate. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Your smile only increases. "Of course I will, on one condition." "Wha- there's a condition??" You laugh at the dumbfounded look on his face. It's a classic. You dial down, watching as his shock transform into a soft smile. You shake your head. "As long as you let me look at the mirror with you." He chuckles, "you know what?" 


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