4. J-Hope X reader - smooth moves

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Jung Hoseok is the best dancer you know.

        You have dreamed of dancing with him most of your life. The two of you met in school when you were very young. Childhood friends, so you pretty much know everything about him. However, as times change, so does he. He's still the same, bright Hoseok that you know, but he seems like he carries another weight to him. Something more... serious. You can't quite put your finger on it. Point is, as soon as he joined the now-popular boyband BTS, you knew your friendship would change. You're sure that it changed for him and others as well.

        He's suddenly swarmed by fans every day, rehearsing until he passes out, and dropping new songs and albums as often as humanly possible. You've been planning this visit for almost two months now. Hoseok has a few days off, and he has been dying to see you. So, being the great friend you are, you planned a surprise visit. The other members know about it, but not him.

        So, here you are, standing outside their main studio. You had asked the members to convince him to dance with them so you can come in and be all dramatic. It's kind of your style. You take a deep breath, preparing yourself to knock, but when you hear the laughter behind the door, you decide against it. You decide to walk right in.

        It's a spacious room, nice dance floor. Everyone is facing the mirror, practicing one of their choreographies, although they seem to be fooling around a bit as well. It's toward the end, so you decide against interrupting, you simply stand in the corner, leaning against the wall and watching with a smile. You see Jimin notice you, but all he does is give a small smirk. He doesn't bring attention to your presence, which you're grateful for. 

        After another minute, the song ends, and the boys are breathless. After they regain their breath and take swigs from their waters, you slowly clap. Everyone turns to face you. "Very nice, I got to say, it was a good show," you let out. Hoseok's eyes nearly burst out of their sockets. He runs up to you and sweeps you up in his arms, causing you to laugh. He even swings you around rapidly. 

        "Okay sunshine, I get it, you missed me. I mean I'm me - who wouldn't miss me?" He chuckles, setting you back down which makes you happy. Soaring through the air in Hoseok's arms is far from a bad experience, but you know him - if you stayed in his arms a few seconds longer, he would have fallen over and taken you with him. 

        "It's been forever," he whispers, which makes you sigh. "I know, I'm sorry, I'll try to visit more often it's just difficult between my family and wor-" He presses his index finger on your lips, which instantly shuts you up. "Don't apologize, if anything I should apologize for not traveling to see you more." You shrug, "you're busy, I understand." He gives you a small smile, "I can say the same thing to you." 

        "Should we give you two some privacy?" Namjoon asks, raising a brow. You and Hoseok turn in his direction. Joon and Jimin rest their eyes on where Hoseok is still holding your hip. You instantly turn red and start to stutter as your hope lets you go. "N-No not at all, we're okay!" you two say practically in sync. Jimin gives you a smirk while Namjoon just shakes his head with a sigh and turns away. 

        "Alright alright Hobi had his fun come here," Jimin whines, which you roll your eyes playfully at. "Fiiiine," you let out, bouncing over and embracing him. You give each member a hug, everyone squeezing you tight and making sure you're really here and not just a hologram or something. You love all the boys, and they love you. You couldn't ask for more. You're honestly amazed you're even in their presence let alone hugging them and messing around. 

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