12. On the contrary - Taekook

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Jungkook was sitting in math class staring off into space, waiting for class to start. All of a sudden, Taehyung came running in, a large smile across his face. As usual. That boy was always smiling and always talking loudly. It brightened the mood, usually, but Jungkook was in a bad mood today, so it did the opposite.

"Hi, Kookie," Tae greeted, rather loudly causing Jungkook to wince at the sudden noise.

"Hi, Taehyung," Jungkook responded, disinterest evident in his voice.

"What are you doing?"

"Wishing for death," Jungkook responded as he rested his chin on the desk. This caused Taehyung to chuckle at the boy which in turn caused Jungkook to bite his lip in an attempt to hold back a smile.

This type of interaction was very common for the two. Taehyung would be all bright and bubbly and Jungkook would always act annoyed, but to Jungkook's knowledge, Taehyung knew that he was only joking around. The teacher came in right after and both boys immediately sat up straight and faced the front of the classroom.


After class the two began walking out of the room, slightly trailing behind everyone else.

"I'll see you around, Jungkookie," Taehyung said, his signature rectangular smile painted on his face. He waved goodbye to the younger boy and made his way down the hall. Jungkook stood frozen in place and smiled to himself when he thought no one was looking at him as Taehyung disappeared from his view. Jungkook made his way to his locker and put his books in, still internally grinning. As he closed his locker, he was startled by a familiar face waiting on the other side of the locker door.

"You scared me, Jimin."

"That was the point. Also, I saw that," Jimin chuckled.

The two friends began walking down the hall to lunch. The hallway was rather empty, likely because everyone was already at lunch.

"I saw that smile, something's up." Jimin smirked at the younger boy as they entered the cafeteria.

"What smile? Nothing's up," Jungkook defended.

"Mmhmm." Jimin was clearly still doubtful, but he decided to let it go... at least for now.

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