9. Puppy love - yoonmin

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" You are ugly"

That sentences keep resonated in Jimin's ears. He tried to ignore it by practised their choreography over and over again. But, nothing change except the sentences keep disturbing him. At last, he throwed himself on one of the sofa in the practise room.

He ruffled his wet hair desperately and wiped his red nose roughly. Then, he winced to himself. Actually Jimin knew that it's only a lame joke by the way his Yoongi hyung stared at him and gave him that look. Truth to be said Jimin was shocked at first but the squeezed of Yoongi's warmth hand that hold his slightly smaller hand under the table make his previous shock flew away.

Jimin really hated himself. He hated the fact that he loves someone that make him angry and it will vanished automatically once Yoongi smile a bit or pat his head affectionately. He hate to have a love-hate relationship. But, when he think again it's not Yoongi hyung's fault. The older hyung don't know that he have a puppy love towards him. He is just a coward puppy that scared he will rejected by the other.

Then, he thought of something. He will going to the studio because as far as he remember, his Yoongi hyung is not at home last night.

Without his aware the other member know it from a long time. Rapmon once said that he was just a cute puppy (he is not that matured) that really shy and loves to play push-pull relationship with Yoongi. The members all agreed to zip their mouth about this. They always enjoy tease Jimin. A really cute sight to see when you are tired.

For Yoongi, he always loves to tease the cutie pie. He loves to see the cute shy smile when the younger smile sweetly only for him. He also want to see until where Jimin will be able to play the push and pull relationship with. He can see that Jimin will cross the limit just a bit more.

He never saw Jimin cry in front him but he know that he was crying or about to cry. He knew that Jimin will cried and went to V when he had any problem. He always feel bad for that so that he will ask V to try his best to comfort Jimin and Yoongi will bribe him with foods and V will agree without a second thought. Suga can relied to him when it come to Jimin because he can saw that Jimin will became lively again next morning.

On the other side.

Suga was in his studio working so hard to finish his new song before the due date come. It's so frustrated because the due date was around the corner but the song had not finished perfectly. According to Rapmon, the song was really perfect but, Suga said that there was lack of something. Then, Rapmon just said dramatically "ask your heart and you will find the answer". And left with a smirk. What a dumb and dumber. He referring to the couple.

Suga just remember that and then he try. He is staring at his shirt where his heart located and ask " Hey heart, what do you think? Something missing, right?" and he wait.

1 second

2 second

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