13. Dizzy - Taekook

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Jungkook stood in front of Jimin smoothing down his suit jacket.

"How do I look, hyung?" Jungkook inquired hopefully.

"Damn fine," Jimin smirked approvingly. He patted Jungkook on the shoulder as a way of dismissing himself causing the younger boy to grin back in amusement and went off to find Yoongi, presumably. Jungkook turned around and bumped into Taehyung causing both of them to stumble backwards a bit, Jungkook grabbing Taehyung's sleeve in an attempt to regain his balance. .

"Oh hey, Tae," Jungkook greeted, smiling at the older boy.

"Hey, Jungkookie," Taehyung replied, smirking slightly. "Do you want to go get something to drink with me?" Taehyung offered.

Jungkook just shrugged. "Sure, why not?" he agreed as he followed Taehyung to get a drink. While they were sifting through the crowd, Jungkook worried he would get separated from the older, so he reached out and grabbed Taehyung's hand, Taehyung not even questioning the gesture and clinging on.

They arrived at the bar and Jungkook ordered champagne and Taehyung settled for some Coca Cola. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand once again, the glass in the other hand, and led him to the edge of the dance floor next to an empty table. Jungkook took a sip of his champagne and scanned the room, processing his surroundings. He then realized that Taehyung was still holding his hand and he quickly pulled away, hoping that his glass would hide his blush as he glanced over at Taehyung who was smiling cutely.

The song that was playing ended and a slow song was put on. Taehyung tipped the rest of his drink into his mouth and rested the glass on the table behind him. He offered his hand out to Jungkook, who just looked at it and cocked an eyebrow.

"Shall we dance?" Taehyung asked, doing his best suave voice. Jungkook giggled at the older boy's antics and nodded, putting down his half-empty champagne and accepting Taehyung's hand. He dragged the younger out to the middle of the dance floor. Taehyung rested his hands on Jungkook's waist and Jungkook lazily wrapped his around the back of Taehyung's neck.

"Closer," Taehyung said, pulling Jungkook towards him a little, but there was still a rather large gap between the two.


By this point, the two were pretty much chest to chest, less than two inches space between them. Taehyung leaned forward and rested his forehead against Jungkook's shoulder. Just as he did this, the song ended. Taehyung lifted his head up and pouted in disappointment.

"Aw, I was just getting comfortable." Jungkook chuckled slightly and lightly stroked the nape of Taehyung's neck subconsciously.

"I'll be right back," Jungkook said, patting Taehyung's shoulder gently and returning to the table that they were previously at, leaving Taehyung alone in the middle of the dance floor, staring after the younger boy.


It had been about thirty minutes since Jungkook had left, but he hadn't come back yet. Taehyung scanned the room, starting with the table they had previously resided at, but he didn't see the younger boy anywhere. He frantically looked around to see if he had maybe gotten preoccupied in a conversation on his way back to Taehyung, but he was nowhere to be found. He spotted Jimin out of the corner of his eye and immediately rushed over to him. He grabbed his arm and turned him around so that he was facing him.

"Jungkook," Taehyung simply stated in between heavy breaths.

"What about him?"

"I can't find him and I wanted to know if you had seen him."

"I haven't but I'll help you look," Jimin offered sweetly.



The boys had looked around pretty much the entire room, but considering Jungkook was likely a moving target, it was difficult to be sure that they had checked everywhere.

"Did you ever think that he might be in the bathroom?" Jimin asked, quirking an eyebrow at Taehyung.

"For this long?"


"Screw it, I'm checking anyways," Taehyung informed as he took off in a hurry to find the restroom, Jimin trailing closely behind. It's a good thing they checked because that's where he was, and he didn't look too good. He had his palms pressed against the edge of the counter and he was hunched over, head hanging down in exhaustion.

"Kookie," Taehyung breathed, rushing over to the boy. He didn't want to overwhelm him so he simply rested one hand on top of Jungkook's and gently rubbed circles on the younger's back with the other.

"What happened?" Taehyung whispered leaning in close to Jungkook's ear, Jimin intaking the scene from the doorway.

"I don't know, I went back for a sip of my drink and I was going to sit down for a little bit, but then I felt dizzy and so I came in here, and here we are," Jungkook explained, but his voice sounded weak and frail. Jimin noticed that Jungkook's condition was beginning to worsen so he went around to the other side of him and slung the youngest boy's arm around his shoulder, support his waist.

"Get his other side," he told Taehyung, gesturing to him. Taehyung copied Jimin's actions and they carefully guided him out of the bathroom. As they did this, Jungkook's breathing grew heavier as his vision began to blur and blacken at the edges. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was the sound of Taehyung's concern-laced voice calling out his name.


When Jungkook woke up, he was greeted by the harsh contrast of the warm yellow light of the bedside lamp. At first he thought he was alone, but much to his happiness, he saw Taehyung sitting next to him, his dark brown eyes meeting his own causing them both to smile at each other. Taehyung lifted his hand and brushed Jungkook's hair out of his eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired, but better."

"Do you need anything?" Taehyung asked, his hand still in the younger's hair.

"Not in particular," Jungkook answered, his voice barely audible, but Taehyung was so close to him, that it would be hard to miss his answer.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung said smirking, his face moving closer to Jungkook's.

"Yes," Jungkook replied, as he closed the gap between their lips. The kiss was short, but sweet and it conveyed so much that they had been too awkward to say with words. Taehyung pulled away, but they were still in very close proximity to each other. The older's thumb caressed Jungkook's cheek lightly as he kissed him on the forehead.

"Get some rest, Kookie."

"I love you, Tae Tae."

"I love you, too."

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