6. Taehyung x Reader - little fram

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"What if we ran away to a farm?" 

        The words play in your mind over and over again. You've been with Taehyung for approximately one month, but he already wants to run away with you. Your home life isn't that good, and Taehyung wants a farm. It works out, right? Wrong. You can't just drop everything. You have school, work, a family (even if they aren't that nice).

So... why are you still packing your bags?

        You have one ripped backpack and a duffel bag you took from your mom. She won't need it, she doesn't go anywhere anymore. It's the middle of the night, and Tae said to meet him at his house in twenty minutes. He didn't buy the farm, he doesn't have that much money. However, he worked out a deal to work on it. You can't complain. A roof over your head and a stable job. Better than anything home can offer you. 

        However, many questions still plague your mind. What if you and him breakup? Wouldn't that be awkward? What if farm work gets too hard? What if the man who owns the farm decides to kick you out? You sigh, zipping up the duffel bag as if you've already made your decision.

Anything is better than now.

        You throw your backpack on your back, strapping the other bag across your body and making sure you didn't miss anything before quietly walking out. His house isn't that far from yours, but you still left early just to be cautious. The sooner you leave, the more likely you won't think twice and turn back. You and Tae have known each other for years, you know he wouldn't do anything you aren't comfortable with.

        You make your way to the front door, letting out a breath as your hand wraps around the doorknob. You take a moment to think of all the memories you have in your house. You have the time your brother moved out, flipping your parents off and never calling again. The time your parents threw away your notebook for being too 'girly' (they would rather you focus on your career). The time where you spent two weeks straight barely leaving your bed much to the dismay of your parents. 

        You give yourself a short nod. This is the right decision, even if things don't work out with Taehyung, you need a getaway, a chance to start a life. Getting work experience can lead to many other jobs down the road, which you know you'll get with hard work and dedication. 

        You leave the house, leaving your memories behind as you rush down the street at night, the bags you're carrying feeling less heavy by the minute. For the first time in a while, you find the chilly air enjoyable. It no longer bites against your skin, it simply brushes by, the stars providing light as you navigate your small town. You find yourself almost skipping when you're only a block away from Tae's. Normally on a night like this, you would be terrified. Young girl wandering the streets of her deserted town at night? Horror movie much? But today, you feel at peace. You finally made a decision for yourself.

        Before you can even knock on Taehyung's door, he steps outside and greets you with a smile and a kiss on the cheek. "Let me take them for you," he whispers, and although you want to refuse, he starts taking the bags off you anyway. So, you keep your mouth shut, your mind being the primary source for your protests as he gives you a familiar boxy smile. You can't help but return it, adrenaline starting to course through your veins. 

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