8. New student - Jungkook X reader

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You rush through the large iron school gates, your (h/c) locks flying out being you. The bell rings as you reach the large entrance. "Crap." You mutter under your breath. It wasn't even the first day of school and you were already late to home group. You flatten your uniform out wanting to look presentable in front of your new classmates.

"(L/n)?" Someone asks from ahead of you, "Miss (l/n) you are late on your first day." The female voice was stern as she marches up to you, "My name is Mrs Reed and I will be showing you to your homeroom." Her sunny outlook hid the stern personality, but you we're convinced that she would of been nice if you weren't late. "Come on, quick chop." The school campus was massive and you quickly stepped up your speed as she strode down the hall. 

"Wait." You call out hoping she'll slow, "Mrs Reed. Please." But the woman showed no signs of slow and soon enough you were jogging to keep up. One flight of stairs and a couple of corners later the two of you arrived at a brown wooden classroom door with a single plane of glass at eye level and underneath etched on metal was Class 2-5.

"This is as far as I take you. Hope you aren't late to your lessons and the homeroom teacher will explain everything." With a swish of her brown hair she turns her back and walks away.

You poke you tongue out at her turned back before knocking on the door. Inside you could just hear the loud chatter of friends and classmates. You slowly open the door and an older lady sits behind a brown wooden desk. "Class." The older lady claps, managing to gather the attention of the whole class in some mysterious way. "I would like I introduce our newest member to our class." She smiles warmly at you , "Go on sweetie." 

You smile softly back, she was much nicer than That Mrs Reed. "H-hi. My name i-is (y/n) (l/n). I hope you take care of me." You stutter nervously, a soft smile gracing your lips. The eyes that we're once on you soon leave and everyone was back to talking.

"My name is Mrs Hoover and you may take a seat next to the boy Jungkook. He's over at the back of the class second away from the window." She gestures. "Jungkook. I expect you to look after (y/n)." 

You walk down the rows towards the sunny spot between the window and Jungkook. You sit placing your (f/c) backpack on the floor. "Hi." You whisper softly waving a tad.

"...Hi" He says after a while. He seemed shy and the short conversation died down. The rest of the school day seemed to fly by, you had followed Jungkook around all day going to classes, you found out he had a group of six other friends but you weren't introduced as they met between classes and plus you we're an outsider, and you had spent your breaks out on the campus enjoying time alone.

You we're currently in home group again for the end of the day. "See you tomorrow Jungkook." You say cheerfully, "And thanks for showing me about and putting up with me." 

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