5. Jimin x Reader - Stars

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Jimin's eyes are the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. 

        Looking into his eyes makes your heart do little leaps and your stomach overflow with joy. If just his eyes do this to you - what about the rest of him? From his hair flips, to his smooth dancing, to his laugh: everything about Jimin just makes you so damn happy. It's honestly unbelievable. 

But you idiot why did you say those words. 

        You said the seven most dangerous words to any friendship. You couldn't help yourself. Staring into his eyes after slow dancing together. It was the perfect mood, the perfect setting. You were so close, your breathing in-sync. You still remember the way he held you so close, his hand gently guiding you to move with him. Under the Moon, you confessed to Jimin what you thought had already been obvious, but his reaction told you that he was not expecting it.

"I think I'm in love with you." 

        You ran away after he gave you the widest eyes you've ever seen in your life. You turned off your phone and everything. You haven't texted him or contacted him at all since. It's been two whole days of you just sitting in your room and thinking about where you went wrong. The smart thing to do would have been to talk to him, but that's out of the picture now. Your mind brought you to the worst of thoughts. 'He probably hates you, if not for your confession, then for ignoring him after that'. 'You're a coward'. 'You shouldn't have confessed'. It got so bad that you had to take a walk. And that's what you're doing right now: taking a walk under the stars.

        You always loved the night sky, you had good memories under it. Jimin and you meeting for the first time three years ago, when you were sitting on a hill and drawing out constellations with your fingers, one eye closed. He joined you. He didn't have to, he just did. He sat right next to you and made up his own constellations. He even drew a small symbol to recognize your new friendship. He drew a heart.

        He had always been so caring. So gentle. He wanted the best for you, and you wanted the best for him. You've been so head over heels for him for almost two years now. It pained you when he got girlfriends, or when he started spending little time with you. That's why this year was so special. He had no girlfriend... and he wanted to spend a lot of time with you. Normally, you wouldn't complain about Jimin hanging out with other people. You want him to live his own life, be his own person. You want him to be him, you want him to be happy. But recently, you've felt so happy around him that you were scared to lose him.

        So that night, two days ago, when he asked you to dance to the tune he made up in his head... you felt like the luckiest girl on the planet. You're so grateful Park Jimin is in your life. You didn't even realize how scared you were to lose him until you said those stupid words.

        You slow your pace, arriving at the infamous hill that started it all. It's your go-to place to relax and unwind. However, it feels different today. Foreign. You frown, but continue anyway. The only way you'll heal and move on is if you try not to dwell on it. So, you lie down in the grass. 

        The stars are shining bright tonight, brighter than they have in a while. You can make out a few constellations, though truthfully, you aren't as interested as you were before. You don't raise your finger, or try to find the heart, or even try to find one you know. You just stare. Nothing more, nothing less. 

        After what feels like hours of you just sitting there, you feel a presence besides you. Normally, you would snap up and see who it is, but at the moment, you're tired. You don't even care. However, you are still surprised to hear Jimin's voice. 

        "I figured you'd be here," he mutters. You don't look over at him, you don't even nod or hum in acknowledgement, something you'd normally do. He'd always point out how you make a 'mmm' or 'mhm' sound when someone addressed you. You're just not feeling it today. Deep down, you're grateful that he's here. Excited, even. But on the surface, you're just numb. 

        "Why are you ignoring me?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. It's his tone that breaks you. He seems genuinely upset and concerned. You finally look over at him, and you're surprised to see him staring back. You can't help but sadly smile at the sight of his eyes. His soft face, fluffy hair. You always loved to run your fingers through it. He loved to rest his head in your lap and just let you stroke his locks. Will you ever get that back? 

        Looking into his eyes, his sad eyes, makes you break. You can't lie to him, or tell him something that's a stretch of the truth. So, you take a deep breath and speak. "I was scared." He seems visibly hurt by this. "You don't ever have to be scared to talk to me. I'm here for you." You sigh, feeling tears start to form. "I know but... what I said." You break off, taking another small breath while tears threaten to spill. This is it. This is where you lose your best friend.

        "I didn't want to lose you, I never wanted that." He listens in silence, his eyes wide open, shock filling his expression. "I said something that I shouldn't have." You can't help but let your voice break as you say the next words, "but it's the truth." Your tears fall. "Jimin, I am so sor-" He cuts you off by placing his lips over yours, which makes your eyes widen. His eyes are closed, focused on the moment, and in one swift motion, you join him. Your heart comes alive again, smashing against your chest. Your blood seems to boil, your stomach filling with joy. 

        You kiss him back, and he welcomes you, moving one of his hands to cup your face, savoring every moment. When you pull back, you see a look of admiration in his eyes. Love. You can't help but reciprocate it. "Would it be cheesy if I said I felt the same way?" he says with one of his signature smiles. You can't help but softly laugh. "No, no it wouldn't." His smile only brightens, "can I kiss you again? I've been waiting to do this for years." 

        You start to nod, then freeze. Your eyes widen. The Park Jimin just asked to kiss you. The Park Jimin just confessed he feels the same way about you. The Park Jimin just admitted to having these feelings for years. In your shock, you mutter a "holy shit", which makes him laugh really hard. In his laughter, his forehead bumps against yours, which admittedly only makes him laugh harder, causing you to join in. "Years?" you can't help but question, which makes him nod. "W-What about your other girlfriends?" He shrugs, "I figured you weren't into me." At his words you scoff, "who isn't into you Park Jimin?" 

        Within an instant you put your lips on his, and it was a rather messy kiss. He's in the middle of his laughter, and you're trying to make sure you're doing it right. Messy, but passionate. And soon enough, it ended. Under the stars, Jimin found you, and he loved you. You couldn't be happier.

        He holds you close the rest of the night, letting your head rest against his chest while he twirls a strand of your hair. He tries naming constellations, but he ends up being wrong every time, causing you to correct him. However, there is one constellation he gets right: the heart, sitting right above your heads.

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