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They started playing the game...

Namjoon and yoongi was playing games form few minutes  and finally, yoongi lose from 2 points, from namjoon and he cheered for his win .

"You cheated hyung , it's unfair." Yoongi whine. Not accepting the lost . But namjoon didnt fall for yoongi whining. He said yoongi to go for the punishment they decided for the loser.

Yoongi look at up to namjoon, who is looking straight to yoongi with playful smile, intending not to fall for the beautiful charm .

" you should have thought before playing and accepting the challenge Yoon " tease namjoon on which, yoongi only grunts and turn his head towards the water .

"The water seems very cold and chill . And I don't want to bath i already bathed in the morning" thought yoongi . And again look at namjoon, who was now laughing at yoongi behaviour, he also know that yoongi don't like water . Who is an angel, yet hates water~(⁠+⁠_⁠+⁠)

Yoongi slowly put his leg in water , and suddenly take it out. Namjoon who saw only roll his eyes lazily, on his behaviour. he slowly approach behind him ,where he was standing near the water and suddenly push yoongi in the waterfall.

Yoongi, who was being pushed squeaked loudly, and the sudden push make him fall in the cold and chill water of the river . He come out of water like he was drowing, as he forget that, he knows how to swim yet the fear of water made him forget .

"Hyung...!! " H-hyungh.." !! Yoongi scream inside the water . Namjoon started laughing out his stomach. looking at him who forget how to swim . "Yoon you know how to swim silly , how could you forget that " .

After hearing that yoongi stopped for a movement and look around him , and then slap his forehead for his forgetfulness. And swim out of water and approach namjoon .

" Why you push me huh!?, i was going!!... still you push me !!!." Complain yoongi to him .

"I did it because you are taking to long yoongi, maybe if I didn't pushed you... You should have end up convincing me, for not giving you the punishment ." Snorted namjoon.

Coming out of river, wet with water totally making him look even more preety and charming .He is looking very beautiful, soaked in water. the dress he was wearing sticked to his body, making every curve visible for anyone eyes. the slender waist, the buttocks , thin legs and slender arms with beautiful front with two tips coming o-out..........

And spine curve of his back.Water dripping down his forehead to his red lips making it extraordinary beautiful. His sharp beautiful feline blue-eyes, from water is dripping from his eyelashes to his beautiful red cheeks. The surrounding around yoongi, started becoming more and more beautiful. the animals which are far from him, started coming near him. the trunks of tress slowly coming down to inhale the sweet aroma coming from his body. the leaves which are scattered around stuck to him, with the wind started flowing in more pleasent way. If anyone who would see that moment, surely won't believe in his eyes . But that was true........

The nature around yoongi started to change due to attraction of them towards him making them lure . The site was pleasing .

Namjoon who was seeing all this... formed a smile which is very attractive, and looked at yoongi fondly. who was giggling by the tikling of the plant and the animals around him. Making him unable to control his giggles.

After some time yoongi excuse himself from all of them. And stepped backward ,slowly spread his white and smooth big wings and flapped them slowly....All the water which is dripping down his body became dry and clean from the leaves, which was attached to him . But not completely, his hair still shoked from water and his dress is somewhat wet .

THE DEVIL KING & HIS ANGEL! ||Taegi ff|| On Going Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin