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This part may contain violence and blood , plus may be less dailogs of character you will be reading how the devil king approached the .....*spoilers

THE DEVIL KING ,KIM TAEHYUNG,emerged from the depths of hell, accompanied by his most trusted subordinate and friend jungkook and a legion of demonic soldiers. Their mission was clear: to capture as many human souls as possible and drag them back to the fiery pits of hell.

Well, he was alone enough for all this , but he still take all his army with him. So just in case ,if he left in between. And he doesn't want to ruin this opportunity from his change of mood , happening from quite a days

As they materialized on the outskirts of the city, the Kim taehyung surveyed his surroundings with a malevolent grin. He could see the pulsating lights and hear the distant sounds of music and laughter, signaling the start of the annual Light Festival. It was the perfect opportunity to lure unsuspecting humans into his clutches.

Taehyung was controlling his deadly and decaying radiant , and succfocating auro emerging from his presence as much as possible. And the glint of pleasure.  which could possibly kill everyone, in just of matter of seconds and he wanted to enjoy killing each of his prey with bloodthrust.

With a flick of his wrist, taehyung signaled his army to spread out and blend in with the crowds. They took on human form, disguising themselves with the latest fashion trends and makeup. No one suspected a thing as they mingled with the festival-goers, biding their time for the perfect moment to strike.

As the night wore on, the festival began to take on a darker tone. The once joyful crowds were now plagued by a sense of unease and fear, as if an ominous presence was looming over them. The music had turned into a haunting melody, and the lights flickered with an eerie intensity.

It wasn't long before the first screams pierced the air. Taehyung soldiers had started their mission, snatching up unsuspecting humans and dragging them into the shadows. Chaos erupted as the festival-goers tried to flee, but the demonic army was everywhere, cutting off every escape route.

Kim taehyung  himself reveled in the chaos, watching with delight as his minions brought in soul after soul. His eyes glowed with a malevolent light, and his laughter echoed throughout the festival grounds. The fear and pain of the humans only fueled his hunger for power.

As the night wore on, the devil king's power grew stronger. The screams of the humans were like music to his ears, and the souls he had captured were mere playthings to him. He reveled in the agony of the humans, delighting in their suffering.

But as dawn approached, the festival began to die down of that place. The crowds had fled, leaving the Devil King and his minions alone in the eerie silence of the festival grounds. Taehyung knew that it was time to go other places, but he couldn't resist one final act of cruelty.

With a wave of his hand, he unleashed a wave of darkness, obliterating everything in its path. The festival grounds were consumed by fire and destruction, and the devil taehyung laughter echoed through the ruins.

Kim taehyung and his minions vanished back into the depths of shadow, the place was left to pick up the pieces. The Light Festival was forever tainted by the memory of that fateful night, and the fear and terror that the Devil King had wrought upon it. But for the Taehyung, it was just another successful mission, and he looked forward to the next place, he could wreak havoc on the human world.


The Devil King, accompanied by his bloodthrust army, had been scouring the another city for potential preys during the rest of light festival. They had again split up, each one heading towards a different direction to increase their chances of catching as many victims as possible.

THE DEVIL KING & HIS ANGEL! ||Taegi ff|| On Going Where stories live. Discover now