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Yoongi is still stood before the Heavenly King, feeling a sense of shame and guilt wash over him. He had disobeyed the King's orders and had gone down to the human world to attend the Light Festival. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. He had always been fascinated by the human world and had yearned to experience its beauty.

"Your Majesty," Yoongi said, bowing deeply. "I'm sorry for disobeying your orders. I know what I did was wrong, and I'm willing to accept any punishment you see fit."

Yoongi said softly. "I'm sorry for causing you and the other angels worry."

The Heavenly King looked at Yoongi for a moment before speaking. "We need to be cautious now. The Devil King will not rest until he has you. He will come for you, and we need to be ready to face him."

Yoongi felt a sense of dread wash over him. He knew the Heavenly King was right. The Devil King would stop at nothing to make him his own. "What can I do, Your Majesty?" he asked.

"I had discussed this with all the angels and your friend Namjoon," the Heavenly King said. "And we had  come up with a plan to keep you safe. Until then ,You will not leave the Heavenly Realm until we are sure it is safe."

Yoongi nodded, feeling a sense of relief. He knew that the Heavenly King and the other angels would do everything in their power to protect him.




Later that day, Yoongi sat in the meeting room with the Heavenly King, Namjoon, and the other angels. They discussed their  plan keep Yoongi safe from the Devil King. They knew that he would stop at nothing to get his hands on Yoongi, and they needed to be prepared.

"We could create a protective barrier around the Heavenly Realm," one of the angels suggested.

"That's a good idea," Namjoon said. "But we need to make sure it's strong enough to withstand the Devil King's power."

"We could also assign some angels to keep watch over gate until the process held," another angel added.

The Heavenly King nodded. "That's a good idea as well. We need to make sure that, things go in time,and Yoongi is never alone and that he is always protected."

Yoongi sat quietly, listening to the conversation. He knew that the angels were doing everything in their power to keep him safe, but he couldn't help feeling helpless. He was the reason for all of this, and he didn't know how to make it right.

The meeting went on for hours, and they all discussed all the arrangements to keep Yoongi safe. They would create a powerful barrier around the Heavenly Realm and assign angels to keep watch over him at all times on the entrance gate. Until the process and , Yoongi would never be alone, and they would do everything in their power to keep him safe.

As the meeting ended, the Heavenly King turned to Yoongi. "We will keep you safe, Yoongi," he said. "But you must promise to never disobey my orders again. You are an angel, and you must act like one."

Yoongi nooded. " Yes majesty's.

They all don't know what coming in their way.and what it will bring to them .




"Your king , army is ready " said jungkook . Standing firm in his stance and looking ahead at the king Kim taehyung. Sitting in his throne . Emitting dangerous smoke around him with deadly stare making him shudder .

THE DEVIL KING & HIS ANGEL! ||Taegi ff|| On Going Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora