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".........................light festivel. "

"Take a deep breath and exhale " soft and comforting words was delivered to beautiful Angel, sitting beside another beautiful angel , who is comforting him, asking him to take deep breath .

Yoongi did how he had been said, taking deep breath and exhaleing . After coming in his calm state, yoongi open his eyes. which he had been closed seems earlier, not wanting to open, because afraid to see the same scary figure in front of him.

"Feeling better ?" Asked the another angel who is none other than namjoon, Sitting beside yoongi since earlier, after coming from the scary event with the king of hell. Yoongi nooded .

Now , after coming from the grasp of the devil king and his suffocating auro. which almost killed them . Both of them are sitting in the large room  of heaven castle. The angel room in heaven was a place of serene beauty, filled with the soft glow of celestial light. The walls were made of shimmering pearl, and the floor was a smooth surface of pure gold, polished to a high shine. The room was spacious and airy, with a high vaulted ceiling that arched overhead like the sky itself.

In the center of the room was a large, circular pool of crystal-clear water. The pool was fed by a waterfall that cascaded down the wall, filling the room with the gentle sound of flowing water. The surface of the pool was calm and still, reflecting the light from the walls and ceiling like a mirror. Around the pool were several comfortable chairs and couches, covered in soft fabrics of the purest white.

The walls of the room were adorned with intricate carvings and delicate frescoes, depicting scenes of beauty and grace. Images of nature and the heavens were depicted in vivid detail, with every color and detail perfectly rendered. The carvings and paintings seemed to come to life in the soft light, evoking a sense of wonder and enchantment.

In the corners of the room stood tall, slender trees, with leaves that rustled softly in the gentle breeze. The trees seemed to be alive, and their branches stretched upward, reaching for the ceiling. Birds perched on the branches, singing sweetly, and their song filled the air with a joyful melody.

The air in the room was cool and refreshing, with a subtle scent of flowers and nature. As one breathed in the air, it was as if they were filled with a sense of peace and tranquility.

As one entered the angel room in heaven, they felt as if they were stepping into a realm of pure beauty and serenity. It was a place of perfect harmony, where the divine met the mortal, and all was right with the world.

And in the bed sitting , yoongi and namjoon , who had been whispering soft words to yoongi who is literally shaking from earlier, after being too close or almost in the embrace of the king of hell. and God know what effect would have on him , because namjoon who was also there, when come he started catching his breath from the suffocating air inside him for staying to long near him . So the effect of his aura on yoongi would be worst and that can be seen by the shaking of the beautiful creature dangerously. With the heavy breathing. he calm down after namjoon direction but still shaking. because  the effect didn't gone completely from his body .

" Hyung," yoongi said after all this time , coming from the earth. " The devil.....king ........what- " before he could say futher , he was cut by namjoon " yoongi don't worry about it ok ! That was just an accident meeting nothing else !!." Yoongi looked down .

He know that was a sudden accident between them but the words of the devil king was keep enconhing in his mind .
I want you"

Yoongi shook his head from the throught. " But he said h-he w-wan-t- " he didn't complete his word as namjoon put his finger on his mouth to shut him up .

THE DEVIL KING & HIS ANGEL! ||Taegi ff|| On Going Where stories live. Discover now