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A small figure with golden brown hair, running in the field of grass filled with simmering butterfly and flower. Covered in golden white fluffy cloud, hurriedly. Turing his head from left to right, then turi g completely around in a circle and again running hurriedly in the field.

His blue eyes constantly moving side to side, and analysising every corner of the field. His breath was ragged ,and the legs are tried. But the ambition is more important than his legs.

"Mr. Rm !!!"

Ah! Hh!

"Mr. Rm!!!"he shouted at the top of his lungs , his voice incohing every corner of the field but there was no response. "Where did he go ?"

Then there he feels a movement behind him. And suddenly a voice of horse comes to his ears. He turned around and a smile spread on his lips, as he saw the beautiful white peguses in front of him.

A white peguses gold seamring on his body with long gold white hair flaring like a sunlight in the field, with larger wings spareding out beautifully. And those large blue eyes staring at him full of adoration. Standing on his back toes and raising is front legs proudly.

The smaller figure run toward it, and hugged it very tightly."Where have you gone?!"

He asked after the hug but still holding the peguses by neck. He turned his body on side and hugged the peguses sideway."you know how worried I was ?! I am searching for you, for a long time. And didn't find you anywhere. "

The figure pouted as he complained to the peguses named Mr Rm. "The king called me to give him a ride outward the golden forests, and comes just now!!"

The horse said and rubbed his head to the figure head soothingly." I am sorry!! , chim" .

Chim looked towards him, and then shaked his head and started walked toward the way to mainland of heaven." It's ok! I'm not angry with you and never will!!" It's not your fault Mr Rm.!! If it's king order!!" He whispered.

"Let's go and gets some rest now! You must be tried !"chim patted his head and continued to the mainland.


Chim take Mr Rm to the large stable of made of gold and white marble, with cloud on the top and many other peguses with different colours flying from its rooftop to the ground. And some racing towards.

From afar it looked like a flow of peguses from up falling down. Chim glanced at Mr Rm. And smiled sideway. He take another step towards it, when a figure caught his attention.

The figure was sitting on a stone, and are looking towards the sky felled with sunset light. His dress spread on the stone, touching the ground and scattering there.

With Mr Rm , chim walked near the figure.
The figure didn't move from its place. There are many peguses passing from him. But the figure didn't payed any attention.

"Suga?" No response. "Suga !! "The figure started and turned back. Seeing chim, he smiled and then saw Mr Rm. He immediately stand up from the rock and bowed to mr Rm. Gracefully spreading his dress with one hand sideways. " good evening mr Rm!!. Hello chim!!"

He straightned his posture while greeting chim. "Where are you both coming from ?"
He looked toward mr. Rm and asked.

"From the 'field of Elysian Meadows', but why are you sitting here, looking in the sky. lost" chim walked near suga, and put his hand on his shoulder.

THE DEVIL KING & HIS ANGEL! ||Taegi ff|| On Going Where stories live. Discover now