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It had been a week ,after the day yoongi forbidden to never go on earth. And today was the ,that after light festivel will be held tomorrow.

Yoongi sat in his room, perched on a cloud, and gazed out at the vast expanse of the night sky. The stars twinkled like diamonds, and the moon cast a pale glow over the celestial realm. He breathed in the sweet, clean air and felt at peace.

He leaned back, resting his wings against the fluffy cloud, and let out a contented sigh. From his vantage point, he could see the entire universe, from the smallest stars to the grandest galaxies. It was a sight that never failed to take his breath away.

As he sat there, he thought about the wonders of creation. He marveled at the intricate patterns of the constellations and the graceful dance of the planets. He pondered the mysteries of the cosmos, and the limitless potential that lay beyond the boundaries of what he knew.

He felt a sense of awe and wonder, and a deep appreciation for the beauty and harmony of the universe. It was a feeling that he knew he would carry with him always, even as he returned to his duties as a guardian angel.

But between all his throught ,yoongi could not stop thinking about the light festival .

He is sitting alone in his room in Heaven, his thoughts consumed with the upcoming Light Festival on Earth. He had always loved this special occasion, with its twinkling lights, joyous music, and festive atmosphere. Every year, he looked forward to attending the festival on Earth and spreading his

As an angel, he had witnessed many Light Festivals in the past. he had seen the people of earth come together to share their happiness and warmth with each other. But this year, he knew that he wouldn't be able to attend the festivities on earth.he know he had been punished for his mistake, one that required her to stay in the heavenly realm.

As he sat there, lost in thought, memories of past Light Festivals flooded he mind. he remembered the time when he had helped a young girl light up her home with candles, and how the girl's face had lit up with joy. he remembered the time when he had watched a group of musicians perform, and how their music had brought tears to his eyes.

But this year, he would have to miss all of that. he sighed deeply, feeling a twinge of sadness in his heart light and love among the people there. but he couldn't help feeling a little envious of the people on earth, who were able to celebrate the Light Festival together.

As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, a soft voice interrupted his reverie. It was rose, who had come to check on him.

"Is everything all right?" Rose asked, noticing the sadness on his face.

The angel nodded, forcing a smile. "Yes, everything is fine. I was just thinking about the Light Festival on earth."

The other angel nodded in understanding. "I know how you feel. But remember, this time light festival is also going to celebrate in heaven "

The news of the punishment, given to yoongi and that he had been forbidden from going to earth has already spread throughout the heaven. And everyone is sad about it , they al love him and seeing that yoongi was sad, no one can help but fell pity on him. That they also cannot do anything about it and they all had to accept it.

But the love for yoongi inside was bigger ,they all decided to celebrate it together in heaven after getting permission from the heaven king and no one is going to earth to celebrate this. Only the angel whose duty has been set for human creatures will go and fulfilled it . And they all are trying to boost yoongi energy by asking him all the time to join them in preparation, and yoongi to complied with their request and joined them with different work .

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