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Now don't get me wrong, Hazel was quick to notice the bell too. She wasted no time elbowing her way through our friends trying to reach the door. Meanwhile, I slipped out between everyone heading in the other direction, aka to the counter.

Sure enough, once I got a clear view I saw a perplexed Will getting berated by my sister. The dancing and off-key singing came to an end, though the music didn't. Will looked over to me with eyes that begged for help and freedom.

I sighed and went over there pulling my sister away from the poor dude. "Hazel, calm down." Will looked even more shocked now and scanned over everyone in the room.

"Nico... can I just get a coffee?" I sighed and nodded. My sister put on a pout as I more or less threw her to her boyfriend. Once we were at the counter he started talking again. "Do you know all these people?"

I nodded a bit as I made his drink. "Yeah, they're my friends. Except for the one that practically attacked you. That's my little sister." When I turned around his jaw might as well have been on the floor. "What? Don't you see the resemblance?"

I heard Leo cackle. Obviously me and Hazel look nothing like each other. "Just shocking is all. I mean you told me about her," Cue Hazel cooing over the fact that I talk about her; but this just made Will even more aware that our conversation was being listened to. "It's just shocking."

"Why?" Frank was suddenly standing next to him. For 6'4" he could be as quiet as a mouse. "Because she doesn't look just like him?" It was a valid question and if all eyes weren't on him before they were now.

"Well... yeah. I mean have you seen Nico? He's translucent." Hazel started laughing now and Reyna followed suit.

"I mean... he's not wrong." Leo commented with a smile; Jason elbowed his side gently and sighed. I just rolled my eyes and passed him his coffee. He paid me and laughed for some reason.

"You know, I had no idea you were this popular." I just sighed and simply walked into the back of the shop. I didn't want to be 'popular'.  I wanted to go back to being a fly on the wall. After being back there for only two minutes Percy and Hazel walked in.

"So, that's your type?" I threw a cup at him that he simply caught with a laugh. "He's still out there you know. Waiting to hang out with you."

Hazel nodded. "You don't want to leave him with Leo too long or else Leo might tell every embarrassing thing he knows about you." I scoffed and crossed my arms. As if Leo knew anything about me.

Percy looked around a bit. "And if he doesn't I will." Now that was a threat. I glanced over at him and cracked my neck. "Shit! I was kidding!" He ran out and I flew after him

He leaped behind his girlfriend pulling her out of her conversation with Will. "Annabeth... feel lucky I don't pulverize your idiotic boyfriend."

She just laughed at me and played with Percy's hair. "Gezz Nico, just because he's 'not your type' anymore doesn't mean you need to resort to murder." I felt a cold wash over me as her words hit my ears.

She would have fallen flat on the ground if looks could kill. "Annie!" Percy yelled at her, which was surprising considering he was still hiding behind her. Jason had seen this happen to me before so he knew I was bound to explode.

"Chase... I will adopt a tarantula just to release it in your dorm while you sleep!" Hazel, being the lovely little sister she is, coxed me away with the help of Jason leaving behind a very confused Annabeth and shocked Will.

Jason managed to get me to calm down a bit by shoving a coffee in my hands to distract me. "Relax man, she didn't mean any harm by it. And Will doesn't even seem to care."

"Yeah, when there are a million other people here as a buffer. Gods, I'm going to kill that girl; this is why I don't like women." Hazel shook her head and kicked me gently in the shin.

"No, it's not. And if you would get out of your own head you'd see that someone that sees you differently just because your gay, doesn't deserve to have you around anyway." I growled to myself and lifted up my wounded leg. I went to sit down slightly slamming my new coffee cup on the table.

She was right and I know that but still. It's not like I planned on keeping it from him forever, but I didn't expect the smartest person I know to be that stupid. I took out my computer after a minute while Piper and Reyna sat on either side of me. "What are you gonna do now?" I shrugged a bit.

"Homework probably." Piper took out her computer with a smile and started working with me while Reyna took out a notebook. "Environment killer." She wasted no time shoulder-checking me. It stung a bit, but it was nice to have their solidarity.

"Am I an environment killer too then?" I looked over and saw Will sitting across from us with a small smile. I swear, this music is allowing everyone to be a ninja here.

"Of course you are. The only difference is I can call her on it." Reyna scoffed at me. Piper shifted in the booth, then rested her arm over my shoulder and looked at my computer. I felt myself tense a little when she touched me but I knew what she was trying to do.

"Nico, I think your computer is gonna crash if you open another goddam tab." She laughed and I just rolled my eyes at her with a smile. She's ridiculous. I glanced back at Will who had lost his signature smile which bugged me beyond all hell.

I shook off Piper's arm and pushed down the urge to just make her and Reyna leave altogether. I would if it made Will smile again but I wasn't gonna remove my own safety net. "Worry about your own computer McLean."

She laughed but did just that. Will seemed to chuckle a bit but I didn't see his dimples. He wasn't actually happy. "Hey Ghost King, can you make me more coffee?" I looked over and saw Leo holding up his cup.

"Please, that'd be like giving a bear cocaine." His eyes lit up as if I had just given him a great idea. "Oh dear gods, just give me the dam cup you menace." He laughed and handed me the cup so I made Reyna get up so I could get out and make the drink.

Will followed me to the counter. "Are you alright?" What a stupid question. Of course, I wasn't. I just got outted by one of my oldest friends in front of the guy I like.

"Of course, why?"

He clearly didn't believe me. "Because right after Annabeth mentioned that you used to like her boyfriend you got all upset." I laughed mirthlessly.

"Who wouldn't?" I came out from behind the counter and gave Leo his drink. He decided to thank me in Spanish for some reason. He should have been cut off from caffeine a while ago.

"Well, I mean, how come you never told me you were gay?" I shrugged a bit and walked back to the counter and leaned against it.

"You never asked. Besides, it doesn't matter what my sexuality is. Unless it makes you uncomfortable, in which case you can just leave." His face scrunched up slightly before he started laughing so hard he fell over holding his stomach.

Frank looked at me like I had killed the guy and I just shrugged. I had no idea what I'd done to make him laugh like this. It's not like I said anything funny. "Nico... Nico. I'm so... I'm bi bro. You don't have to worry." He was still laughing as he spoke.

Luckily he was too busy laughing to hear Hazel shout 'Yes!' Or see several of my friends start plotting in the corner. Honestly, I would be lying if I said I wasn't relieved to hear that from him. But I was still beyond pissed with Annabeth who had clearly realized what she'd done earlier.

"Ok chill before you pass out from lack of oxygen." Will nodded and waved me off so I just sat back down. Piper was smiling like a psychopath and Reyna barely even seemed phased but I could see a spark of amusement in her eyes. 

Hey guys gals and non-binary pals! How you doing?

So now Will knows and Nico knows Will isn't straight either-

Obviously we should all know that outing someone, even if it is on accident, is wrong and Annabeth will apologize profusely

Also, Nico isn't actually gonna get a tarantula

Have a great day/night!

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