Coffee at Midnight

324 5 17

Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I wanna say thank you so much!

This is the time I'm taking to say thank you to all the Percy Jackson writers on this app.
To everyone who I told about it that kept me writing.
To Uncle Rick for all the characters and lore.
To every single commenter who reminded me people found it funny.
To everyone who voted so I could know people were there.
And to all those who decided to read it, because I never would have finished it without consistent readers.

I loved writing and editing the whole book.

So much in fact, that I've considered writing another version from Will's perspective called Coffee at Midnight (the inverse of Midnight Coffee (but yes like the song)).

If I did that who/what else should be included?

It's not set in stone though, so I hope you liked the book as a whole. I just wanted to write about queer joy and a happy couple and I think I did that. 

Thank you.

You reading this means so much to me. You mean so much to me.

Have a great day/night!

Midnight Coffee (Solangelo AU)Where stories live. Discover now