..:: Five ::..

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"Ready for this, Sarah?"

"God, I have no idea."

"You've got this, I'm right here with you!'

A smile graced her lips, hands running through her loose ponytail one last time. This was the most unnerving moment of her life. Very few people have the chance, nor the honor to interview the world's most successful entertainer like this. It was totally out of the blue.

Being fresh out of college was making her nervous, her first major interview was the king himself, Michael Jackson. 

Not that she didn't want to do this, just the idea of being in the same room, breathing the same oxygen as him, being in his presence.

Truth be told, Sarah has been a big fan of his music since a very young age. Growing up listening to him has brought her to this point in life and her career. He was the main. Source of inspiration getting through college. Yet never in her wildest dreams did she ever think this would happen. 

Taking a deep breath Sarah pressed the button leading to the 7th floor. Heart beating wildly in the cage of her chest, she tapped her fingers along the file folder in her arms. 

"Chill, girl. You got this." She affirmed.

The elevator soon stopped and upon stepping out she was immediately greeted by Michael's manager, Frank DiLeo. "You must be Sarah, correct?"

Sarah nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Please, you may call me Frank." He smiled, ushering her to the double doors that lay ahead. "Michael has been waiting for you."

Sarah swallowed hard against the lump forming in her throat. As the doors opened, she caught a glimpse of Michael, his back turned to them as he gazed out over the busy streets below. Her breath hitched in her throat. 

There he was. Just feet away. 

"If you need anything, just give me a ring, Michael."

The doors slowly closed behind her, and Sarah jumped at the sound. They were alone now. Michael's presence was overwhelming, even in such a calm and relaxed state he gave off an immense energy that nearly stole her breath away.

"H-Hello Mr. Jackson. My name is Sarah Underwood. I'll be interviewing you today."

Michael remained quiet for a long moment, keeping his hands locked firmly behind his back. He stiffened slightly, back becoming ridged. After a difficult night of little sleep he was on the edge. He sighed and allowed his eyes to fall closed with a sigh.

"About how long will this take?" He asked with a strained tone.

"Oh, as long as you need, sir."

Slowly turning to her, Michael met her eyes with his tired browns. This time his breath hitched in his throat. He wasn't expecting her to be so pretty. No– she's beautiful in her own right. Flowing ebony locks tied back in a somewhat messy ponytail, a casual business suit adorned her smaller frame. And deep chocolate brown which only enhanced her smooth caramel skin. 

He couldn't stop the faint smile which slowly spread across his features. "Well, it's a pleasure meeting you, Miss Underwood."

Sarah gasped softly as Michael walked over to her in long, graceful strides. His hand reached out to hers, which she shyly allowed him to take. When he pressed a fleeting kiss to get knuckles she trembled. Oh, that energy was even more amazing in person. 

"Please, call me Sarah."

"Sarah," Michael nodded, his smile never fading. "I don't hear that name very often."

The blush deepened and spread further across ger cheekbones. "Thank you, Mr. Jackson."

"Michael. Please just call Michael." His smile broadened a little more.

"OK, Michael."

Offering her a seat, which she took, Michael moved to sit opposite of her. Crossing a leg over the other, Michael made himself as comfortable as possible, his eyes never once leaving hers. "So, how can I help you today?"

Clearing her throat, Sarah took a deep breath to steady her nerves, which had quickly turned upon her. Fingertips gripped the pen and paper upon her lap tightly. How is one to remain calm while in the presence of the King of Pop himself? In the flesh, directly in front of them?

"How about the basics?" Sarah asked. "How is the new album coming along?"

"Well, it's been in the works for sometime now. It is now entering the final stages and soon going off to production."

She nodded and jotted down the answers as they came. "Do you have a favorite from these recording sessions at all?"

"Oh, boy." Michael chuckled. "I'm never satisfied with anything I do. I always feel that I can push the envelope further. So, I don't have a particular favorite just yet."

"What makes HIStory more different or unique?"

"I can honestly say it is a form of releasing feelings. A bit more edgy in a sense. I hope to be able to relate to many of my fans with this album.'

"I see. It sounds amazing already. I look forward to hearing it."

Again, Michael couldn't hold back his smile. "In that case, I have a special early release right here."

Michael extended a copy of the album, taking note of the blush that his offering had caused. He truly didn't think this would be going so smoothly, honestly fearing and thinking the worst. It's not often he gives away the early test copies, but somehow he felt at ease with this girl. No, this beautiful young woman. 

Sarah smiled and took the album with trembling fingers. "Wow, thank you so much!"

The interview was quickly coming to a close, time was clearly on no one's side this morning. As tired as Michael was, he was feeling immensely comfortable with her and wasn't tired any longer.

"Well, I won't keep you much longer, Michael." Sarah sighed. "Thank you for allowing me to talk with you, and for being my first interview."

"Oh, it's my pleasure." Michael shook her hand as they stood together. "You're unlike any other journalist I've met during my career."

"Thank you, I hope you have a wonderful day."

Before she could turn, Michael grasped her hand carefully. "Wait a second." Taking the CD in hand, he quickly signed it for her. "I can tell you're a fan."

"Oh, wow. Is it that obvious?" She laughed shyly.

Michael laughed. "Maybe just a bit. This may sound strange, but is it possible we can talk again?"

Sarah blinked, surprise clearly evident in her deep chocolate orbs. "I'd have to ask my boss."

"I'm that case," Michael wrote his number on a spare piece of paper. "Call me anytime."

Moving towards the doors, the pair walked together in silence. The energy Michael continued to emit nearly overtook Sarah's every sense, nearly causing her knees to buckle from under her.

"Perhaps there could be a part two for this interview?" Michael questioned.

"I'd like that," Sarah smiled. "You don't have to escort me to the elevator, I don't wanna take up more of your day."

"No, it's fine. It has been a joy talking with you."

Sarah stepped in the elevator, not once leaving Michael's gaze until the doors closed and separated them. Releasing the breath she had no idea she was holding, her back leaning against the wall, slowly sliding down and taking the moment to gaze at the CD case more closely. 

Thank you. All my love, Michael Jackson

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