..:: Twenty-Six ::..

356 17 25

Descriptive Sexual Content/Phone Sex

The house was unbearably quiet as he stepped back inside. The clock read 10:37, and it had already felt as if years had passed. Michael ran into his bedroom, immediately locking the door tightly behind him, sliding to his knees as the weight of the moment took over.

Try as he might, images of these past couple of days remained as fresh as when they happened. He swallowed back the tears and shifted his gaze back to the still rumpled bed covers, able to see them making passionate love, still able to hear the gasps and moans of pleasure escaping Sarah's lips.

Oh, he could still feel her. In every way possible. 

Never has a woman affected him in such a deep and positive way. It was truly a scary thing for him, for everyone prior had been out for everything else but love.

Michael didn't feel that from Sarah whatsoever, and that alone was scary enough as is.

Slowly standing he makes his way over to the bed, laying down and curling into the sheets, inhaling the scent she left behind. Inhaling slow and deep, Michael allowed a tear to escape him, an occasional sob passing his lips. 

After a long, drawn out moment, the phone began to ring. Blinking the tears away, Michael answered with a heavy sigh.


"Michael? It's me."

His heart nearly leapt into his throat. "Sarah!"

"Did I wake you?"

"God, no, I was actually hoping you would call."

She sighed, tears evident in her voice. "I miss you so much."

"You have no idea how much I miss you, baby," Michael sighed. "You'll never realize just how much."

As the air became still between them, Michael was simply content listening to the soft and gentle breathing from the other end of the line. While it didn't replace having Sarah next to him, Michael was immensely thankful just the same.

"I never thanked you," Sarah sighed. 

Michael smiled, "No need to, it was my pleasure. If anything, I should be the one to thank you, Sarah."

"Thank me?" She asked 

"Yeah, for simply being who you are."

"Oh, Michael..."

Again, he smiled, soon settling under the covers. "What are you up to now that you're back home?"

"Thinking about you, what else can I do after such a perfect weekend?"

He sighed, "I get that, believe me. It's gonna take time getting back to my routine. Which is pure stress at its best in the past few years."

Silence fell over them, Michael's fingers tracing patterns upon the silk sheets, wishing against all hope it was her skin under his touch. 

"Your interview should be published by next week, I'm gonna get on that first thing after work."

"Oh yeah?" Michael smiled. "You know, a beautiful woman like you shouldnt have to lift a finger."

Sarah laughed. "I'm used to it, it's ok, Michael."

"Well, I'm gonna worry, so get used to that."

Together they shared a laugh as the air became still once again. Michael could already tell it would be a long and difficult night for the both of them. And he silently prayed that his insomnia would for once just leave him alone. One would hope and think it would stop now that there was no longer a reason to occur. 

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