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(Yeosang's Pov)

I didn't mean to sound that harsh. The words just slipped over my lips.

I tried to stay calm but my emotions took over me. To be honest, I was kind of mad about the fact that I've been trying to get close to (Y/n) for months but she had never shown me even half the affection she has shown towards my friends she just met.

Honestly, I was jealous.

But it seemed like none of my friends noticed how upset I was which I was really glad about. They still acted normal, none of them looked surprised or anything like that.

"Well, you see, we have a tiny little problem right here..." Hongjoong began awkwardly.

"Yeah, and it would be really nice of you if you could help us," San continued.

"We're best bros so we thought you'd definitely help us because you're just soo nice," Wooyoung added with an embarrassed smile.

"Guys, just spit it out already," I chuckled. I was jealous but I also felt guilty so I tried my best to shrugg it off.

"We wanted to ask if we could move in with you. Only if you want of course!" Hongjoong finally sighed and smiled.

"You guys must be kidding!" I shouted. "Of course you can! It would be so much fun!"

"(Y/n), are you okay with it too? We don't want to bother you with our presence here," Seonghwa asked (Y/n).

(Y/n) burst into laughter. "I'm sorry, I just thought I must have misunderstood you. Bothering me with your presence? Anything but that! I'd really happy if you'd move in here!"

~a few weeks later~

I had many mixed feelings during the last weeks.

I felt hurt and jealous whenever I saw (Y/n) interacting with one of my friends but I felt guilty and ashamed at the same time to feel jealous of my own best friends.

On the other hand, I felt happy and grateful to have my buddies with me. I didn't feel the loneliness I have felt before.

But I still had so many sleepless nights. The reason being too many thoughts running through my head. The main thought was that I didn't get how (Y/n) had such a great relationship with my buddies from the very moment they met.

(Y/n) still treated me coldly. She never started a conversation and never spoke more than one sentence when I asked her anything.

I felt like giving up. It was obviously that she didn't return my affection and care. Maybe I should just accept the fact that she didn't like me.

~a few days later~

I opened the door to the mansion weakly. I tried to sneak into my room because I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

I was just going out to buy some groceries but some mysterious guys with red masks came up to me and beat me up. I might seem weak but how was I supposed to defend myself from 6 guys-?

I stumbled towards my room when (Y/n) came out if hers which was opposite to mine. She was humming cheerfully but she stopped abruptly when she spotted me.

The sparkles of happiness in her eyes disappeared and her eyes turned cold and fierce.

Getting Closer To "us" [Ateez Yeosang]Where stories live. Discover now