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(Seonghwa's Pov)

"Sangie, please."
It was heartbreaking to see Yeosang like this.
"Come on, at least eat a little bit."
"Thanks, hyung, but I'm not hungry," Yeosang mumbled under his blanket.

I sighed and sat down next to him.
"Sangie, look at me," I demanded softly.

Yeosang hesitated but he pushed the blanket above his head away. I put his head on my lap and stroked his hair lovingly.

"Do you want to tell me what the doctor said?" I asked calmly while holding back my tears because of the sight of Yeosang's red puffy eyes.

He stayed silent and bit his lip. I could tell that he was fighting against more tears.

"It's okay, take your time. I'm here to listen so please tell me what's weighing on you."

"H-her condition is getting worse worse. With every day that passes, her chances of her surviving are getting lower. I just feel so helpless," Yeosang whispered as his eyes became watery.

"Listen to me. I know this is a very hard time for you but I suggest you to try to be a little more happy. I really don't want to sound like I can't relate to you because trust me, I really understand you."

"You need to let a little go. In this case it just hurts more of you still hold on like this.
We'd all be so happy if you start to be a little more positive. I know, being positive doesn't fix anything but neither does being negative. Being negative only drags you down and you'll get sick.
We're all dying to see you smile and giggle again.
And... I'm sure (Y/n) as well as your mum would have want you to be happy," I said softly.

I noticed how Yeosang's eyes widened as his mum had always been a very sensitive topic to him.

Yeosang looked into my eyes and nodded. "Maybe you're right, hyung. I'll try my best," he said gave me a slight smile which made me smile as well.

~some days later~

(Yeosang's Pov)

"You know, the others are missing you a lot.
Woo and Sannie miss your hugs, Mingi misses how you two played video games,
Hwa hyung misses your help to manage the kids,
Yunho misses teasing your hight, Joongie hyung misses someone who's smaller than him as he's the smallest again and
Jongie, he misses the happiness of the others as everyone is really quiet and sad."

I was sitting next to (Y/n) just talking casually. I didn't know if she could hear me but I talked anyway. It was helping me to sort out my thoughts too.

"Oh, and me? I just miss your whole presence. It just feels really empty at home. I miss your precious smile, your laugh that lights my world, the way your eyes sparkle, your comforting, tight hug and your soft kisses.
I feel like it has been ages since we last talked."

"I don't know why you ignored me. Jongie told me you should tell me that because it's a thing between you and me," I mumbled while holding (Y/n)'s cold hand.

"I really can't imagine what it would be like if you're gone. It just feels not imaginable."

Suddenly a red button on one of the machines started blinking and I heard an alarm sound.

I got pretty startled and saw some doctors rushing in.
"Sir, we need to ask you to leave this room. There's an emergency," a doctor ordered.

"Could you tell me what happened?" I asked very concerned.
"Her heart rate just went up. It can go either way now. She could be about to wake up or she's about to die. Please leave the room, we'll get you when there's something new," the doctor quickly said.

I sat in the waiting room and nervously stared at the clock. Half an hour had passed but I still didn't know what was going on.
I already called the others but they were stuck in the traffic.

"Excuse me, are you Kang Yeosang?" a doctor asked breathlessly. He looked like he just ran as fast as he could.

I gulped and nodded. "Good that I found you, please follow me immediately," the doctor ordered and ran away.

I was really confused by the doctor's panic.
We reached another room where I could hear hysterical screams from.
We entered it and I saw a few doctors trying to comfort (Y/n) who was trying to escape the doctors' grip.

Her face was wet of tears which made my heart sank but it was leaping at the same time seeing her awake after weeks.

"Could you please comfort her? We need to make some tests but she won't let us near her. She has been screaming and crying for you the whole time," the doctor explained.

(Y/n) spotted me and immediately stopped screaming.
Her eyes widened and filled up with tears.

She tried to stand up to get to me but the cables held her back. Her eyes started to fill up with tears if frustration and she started sobbing.

"No, no, don't cry. I'm here now, love," I whispered softly as I held her in my arms and stroked her back.

(Y/n) was crying very much and uncontrollably but after a while her sobs got quieter until they stopped.

"You won't believe how much I missed you," I said while wiping away my tears of joy.

(Y/n), who was resting her head on my chest, noticed my tears and a smile appeared on her face.

"I missed you a lot too. You know, I came back to my senses sometimes and I noticed a bit of what was going on. But everything was very unclear like I'm in some filter or something like that. But I noticed when you came and held my hand. I couldn't really understand what you said but just hearing your voice was a huge comfort to me because after you left, I was trapped in nightmares," (Y/n) said while snuggling closer to me.

"I love you."
(Y/n) cupped my face with her hands and placed, to my surprise, a gentle kiss on my lips.
"I love you so much more."


Seems like everything is finally okay, right...?

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