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(Yeosang's Pov)

I felt too many things at ones. It was like a firework started inside me and a bunch of butterflies flew around inside me.

I looked up to the moon again with a huge smile on my lips. I never expected that (Y/n) would ever ask me out.

I chuckled a little when I noticed that she fell asleep on my shoulder. So I carefully picked her up and placed her in her bed. I covered her with the blanket and sneaked out.

I almost died at a heart attack when I saw that the others were all in the living room.

"Joongie, look at our boy all grown up now!" Seonghwa fake cried onto Hongjoong's shoulder.

"Well, I feel like I'm in some K-Drama," Yunho commented with a grin on his face.

"Congrats, man," San smiled and patted me on my shoulder.

"A little bird told me that you two are going on a date tomorrow~," Jongho said with a teasing voice.

"How do you guys always know everything?" I asked with a surprised expression.

"We just know. We even know about soo many things you don't," Hongjoong grinned. "Aish, don't ruin his innocent soul," Seonghwa interfered and slapped Hongjoong's arm.

"Why aren't y'all asleep anyway?" I asked. "Sleep? I don't know that word," Mingi replied.

"That's because you always play video games with Yunho und Jongie," Wooyoung teased.

"Says the one that can't sleep without Sannie's cuddles," Yunho interfered grinning.
"Yah, leave us alone!" Sannie shouted and wrapped his arms around Wooyoung tightly.

"Don't fight, kids. Just go to sleep already. Woo, Sannie, just cuddle as much as you want to. Mingi, Yunho, Jongie, you can play your video games, just don't shout so much. Do what you want, me and Joongie will go to bed now," Seonghwa said, laid an arm around Hongjoong's shoulder and they left.

"They really are two cuties," Wooyoung hummed as San was still hugging him tightly.

~later the day~

"You're wearing my hoodie," I chuckled. (Y/n)'s cheeks turned bright red.

"Oh, I am? Explains why it's so big," (Y/n) smiled. "Sorry, it wasn't my intention, I just found it in my closet. I guess Hwa mixed it up while doing the laundry-"

"Speaking of laundry, I would really appreciate if someone would help me with it," Seonghwa interrupted while coming down the stairs.

(Y/n) gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Hwa. I'll help you next time," she assured him.

"Don't worry about it, just have fun, lovebirds," Seonghwa giggled with a smirk on his face.

"I can change if you want-" "No no, it's fine," I smiled. She looked so cute and comfy in my hoodie. "Alright, follow me then!"

"Where are we even going?" I asked out of curiosity. "You'll find out soon enough!"
We walked along the streets when I suddenly recognized the area.
"Wait, we're back here?!"

Getting Closer To "us" [Ateez Yeosang]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें