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(Yeosang's Pov)

I had a lot of fun with my dad. We went together to some places we've been to when I was still a little boy.

In the evening we went to a little and simple restaurant where we ate multiple times when I was younger.
Everything was great and my dad was really happy that I found someone I was happy with.

We were about to order when I got a call from Mingi. As I didn't want to be rude I just ignored the call. But after 10 calls I knew it was important so I excuse myself and went to the toilets.

"Uhm, Sangie, we have a problem right here," Mingi shouted breathlessly.

"No, Mingi, you have a problem. What happened? Don't tell me you set something on fire!" I said with a bit of annoyance.

"Nono, there's no fire! Uhm, it's about (Y/n)!" Mingi shouted as the other were screaming in the back.

With that sentence all my annoyance disappeared. "Mingi, what the heck happened?"

"I'm sorry, but you need to come here right! It's an emergency, we need you here!" Mingi exclaimed.

"But my dad's waiting-" 
"Please, we need you here very badly! I'm so sorry but please come!"
"Okay okay, I'll be there as soon as possible."

My dad was luckily very understanding and he wasn't mad at all. I just had to promise to visit him again soon.

I was really worried while I was driving home. I rushed inside and chaos was the first thing I saw. Stuff was laying everywhere and I could hear a lot of shouting.

"Sangie, you're here!" San ran over to me. "It's such a big relief that you're here now!"

"What in the world happened?" "Well, come and see for yourself," he replied and I followed him into the kitchen.

Then I spotted (Y/n). Hugging the fridge.
"I-what's going on here?" I asked and frowned at them.

They all stayed silent for a few seconds. "Mingi gave her a little too much wine!" Wooyoung then burst out.

"It was an accident! It was in a normal bottle with some grapes on it so I thought it was grape juice!" Mingi whinned.

"And she didn't noticed that it was wine?"
"Well, she said it tasted a little weird so I just told her it was a new edition. And I guess she has never drunk wine," Mingi replied shyly.

"So you're telling me that she's drunk?" I looked at Mingi. He nodded awkwardly.

"D-do you want to hug him too?" (Y/n) asked with a weird giggle.
"Huh, who?" "Him, of course!" she pointed at the fridge.

"Oh my, you're very drunk at this point and you'll go to bed now," I sighed. "Nuuu, (Y/n) not going to sleep," she said with a baby voice.
She was cute but I definitely didn't like her in this condition.

"We'll be leaving you guys alone. Bye!" Mingi quickly exclaimed before running away with the others.
Great, just great.

"Listen here, you need some sleep, (Y/n)," I explained. She shook her head and wrapped her arms around me.
She was behaving like a five-year-old.

I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. "Nuuu, (Y/n) don't want sleep!" she protested.
"Nope, you're totally drunk, you really need rest."
"Nuu, (Y/n) very sober!" (Y/n) squeaked and ran away. I sighed and followed her up the stairs.

After chasing her through the whole mansion she finally sat down on the couch with closed eyes. I picked her up and brought her to her bed.

I was about to leave when I felt a soft grip around my hand.
"Please stay."

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