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(Yeosang's Pov)

(Y/n) stepped closer to me and was about 1 meter away from me. "Who did this to you?" she asked with an even colder voice than usual. I looked to the ground. Why did she even care?

"I-I'm fine," I replied briefly. (Y/n) stepped a little closer and pushed my chin with her fingers up, forcing me to look into her eyes. "Oh come on, even I can tell that you're really not. Please tell me who did this." "That's none of your business," I shot back at her harshly.

"I- wh-what?" (Y/n) uttered with widen eyes and she stepped away from me again.
All the negative thoughts I had stored deep inside me broke out of me and anger flooded me.

"Why do you suddenly care? It's not like you ever do! Look, I ain't no fool, I know you don't care about me so you don't have to suddenly feel pity.
I prefer you not caring than you pretending to! I've tried for months, freaking months, to get to know you, I tried everything to make sure you know that I care!
I'm used to you not caring, it's fine, just don't pretend you do," I yelled at her.

She was just standing there quietly. For a second I thought she would yell back at me but she did something I didn't expect. A tear rolled down her cheek silently. (Y/n) was crying.

"I'm sorry," she whispered while more tears rolled down her cheek. "It's all my fault, I'm sorry," (Y/n) sobbed while hiding behind the sleeves of her hoodie.

I plugged up some courage and hugged her. And to my surprise she wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry, I-"

"Stop. You have no right to apologize right now. I'm not allowing you to," (Y/n) interrupted me while sobbing into my chest.

"I'm so sorry," (Y/n) mumbled. "Shhh, it's fine," I whispered. "No, it's not! I did notice that you care and you don't know how guilt was eating up from the inside."

"But I had to distance myself from you to protect you from my rivals. If they get to know that I care about you they'd try anything, like anything, to get to you and threat me. I'd drag you into huge danger if I showed any kind of affection towards you. I'm sorry," (Y/n) explained while still hiding her face in my chest.

"Plus, I'm afraid of loving someone again. My mum died, my father doesn't care about me anymore and my best friend was tortured to death because I was the daughter of a mafia boss. I don't want to lose anyone again. It's just too much pain to handle," (Y/n) added.

"I'm sorry, I sounded really harsh before," I murmered. I felt really bad.

"You always apologize for things you don't need to. You were just honest. I promise, I'll take care of you now," (Y/n) promised.

"But what about your enemies?" I asked. "I couldn't care less about them. I'll protect you. I really don't want anyone to make your beautiful face bruised like this again."
I felt how my cheeks heated up. (Y/n) called me beautiful.

"Aish,come on, just kiss already!" a familiar voice behind me said. I turned around just to see Wooyoung, San and Yunho crouching on the stairs and witnessing everything.

Wooyoung was holding a camera.

"Yah,why did you say that? You revealed our hiding spot!" San whinned and punched Wooyoung lightly.

"Yah, stop, don't punch me!" Wooyoung shouted and punched San back. After they fought for a little, Wooyoung turned back to us.

"What? This is important footage for your kids!" Wooyoung defended himself with an innocent smile.

"I don't think my kids want to see me beaten up like this," I giggled.
"Yah! Stop talking about kids! You three over there, how about you get some tissues and ointment for Sangie instead of sitting there, huh?" (Y/n) interrupted.

"Ugh, fineeee," San, Yunho and Wooyoung groaned at the same time but they went up the stairs.

I giggled. "Huh, what?" (Y/n) asked with confusion inside her voice. I looked at (Y/n) who was still wrapping her arms around me. "Since when do you call me 'Sangie'?" I chuckled.

(Y/n)'s cheeks turned a few shades darker. "I'm sorry, I-it just slipped out of my mouth!" she stuttered.

"No no, it's cute actually. I like it, you should call me that more often!" "Yah, now I'm never ever calling you like that again!" (Y/n) whinned.

"But could you now tell me who did this to you?" (Y/n) changed the topic. "Some mysterious strangers with red masks," I replied.

(Y/n) pulled away from the hug. Her eyes were literally burning.
"Okay, they dared to mess with me... Guards, please get the guns ready, I think we need to pay someone a visit," (Y/n) ordered a guard with a voice sweet as honey.

(Y/n) cupped my face and smiled. "Don't worry, everything will be just fine," she assured me.

"Please be careful," I mumbled. "You don't need to worry about me. I can be pretty dangerous for my hight," she replied and smirked.

"Get cleaned up and get some rest, alright? I probably won't be back soon so don't wait for me," (Y/n) added before opening the door to leave.

She just stepped out but ran back inside, placed a soft kiss in my bruised cheek, waved at me with an innocent smile and ran back outside.

"That's why it's good to film all this! I captured you first almost kiss! I'm the best!" Wooyoung screamed proudly. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Whatever Woo."

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