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(Yeosang's Pov)

"Guys, there's no reason to fight right now!" Seonghwa yelled.

The night had passed and we were all sitting in the waiting room of a hospital.

We actually wanted to be in the hospital yesterday but the doctors didn't allow 8 people to sit in the waiting room.

"But he's making me feel worse than I already do!" I shouted.
I was honestly feeling horrible and guilty. My heart was aching so much and it felt like it would shatter anytime now.

"But am I wrong? You were rolling your eyes at her the last time you interacted with her!" Jongho yelled at me.

I lowered my head and felt tears burning in my eyes. San came over and pulled me into a hug.

"You need to stay strong, Sangie. Don't cry, we're all here for you and we'll go through it together. (Y/n)'s gonna be alright, I just know she will. She's tough, she leads a whole mafia clan after all. She'll make it," San murmered softly.

"Let me hug him too!" Yunho whinned and San pulled away with a sulky face.

"Yunho, you're gonna break my ribs," I uttered as Yunho squeezed me tightly.
"Sorry, you're just so tiny and cuddly!" Yunho exclaimed with a pout.

"Oh come on, Jongie! Pull yourself together, fighting with each other doesn't fix anything!" San pleaded with Jongho.
"I-okay, fine," Jongho sighed. "I'm sorry hyung."

I smiled at him. "You want a hug?" Jongho looked at me a disgusted face but after a second he nodded and hugged me with a relieved sigh.

"Great job, Sannie. We owe you one," Seonghwa chuckled and patted San on his shoulder.

"Good Morning, are you here to see the patient Mrs. Kang?" a doctor greeted us.

We all nodded. "Yes, is she okay?" I asked with shaky voice.
The doctor's face became very serious and he let out a sigh.

"Why don't you follow me and see for yourself?"
We followed the doctor to one of the rooms. I became more worried with every second.

"Here we are, please don't touch anything," the doctor said and opened the door.

The others stormed in immediately but I followed them with hesitant steps. I was afraid of what I would see. I was afraid that I wouldn't bare the sight of (Y/n).

Jongho noticed this and took my hand. The others were surrounding (Y/n)'s bed and were blocking the sight.

"Guys, can you make some space? We'd like to see too!" Jongho asked while still holding my hand.

The others looked at each other worriedly but they made some space.

I felt my heart shattering into a million pieces.

Getting Closer To "us" [Ateez Yeosang]Where stories live. Discover now