Weird receipt of ghost coins

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Recently, she had been receiving money. Receiving money is good, but receiving ghost coins is strange. There are numerous coins and bundles of paper money always on her desk or in front of her house, which made her feel uneasy and a little scared. She wondered if she had offended someone. After reflecting, she realized it had been a year since her mother passed away, and she had not visited her grave. Could her mother's spirit be blaming her? So, she brought a bouquet of pure black flowers and went to the cemetery to pay her respects. Upon arrival, she could not find her mother's tomb. Suddenly, she saw her mother walking unsteadily, step by step towards a grave, burning paper and calling her name softly. As the paper ashes flew, her mother held an extra bundle of Ming coins. She was speechless in astonishment as she realized that it was actually her who had passed away, not her mother.

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