The Perfect Statue of Connotation Ghost Story

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The two of us were university students, classmates in art class, and also very good friends.

However, for some reason, just before the school's art exhibition, she suddenly went missing. It wasn't until a few days before the exhibition that I received a call from her.

"I'm sorry, Yuan. It seems that I won't be able to finish the statue for the art exhibition...," she said. "The remaining parts of the hands and cheeks are left to you."

Then the phone went dead.

The day before the exhibition, the police called me to inform me of her death. She had been dead for almost two weeks.

"It's impossible! I just received a call from her the other day!" I exclaimed. I followed the police to the scene of the crime, and there she was, lying on the ground. The method of death was gruesome; all the organs in her stomach had been hollowed out. The murderer had been vicious, digging out the muscles and bones from her chest to her abdomen.

In the corner of the room, there was a statue. Upon closer inspection, it was the statue from our art classroom. Its head had a human shape, but it was completely white. The hands were missing from its shoulders, and instead, the stone on its stomach had been cut to make a cover.

Out of curiosity, I opened the statue's belly while the police were not paying attention. But as soon as I did, fear overtook me. I quickly dropped the cover, turned, and left her room.

............................................................The answer: All of her internal organs were inside the statue's stomach.

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