Big Black Dog

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There was a simple building somewhere with a wide-open door that looked like a giant beast ready to devour people. I yelled several times, but no one answered. I couldn't help muttering to myself, but still tiptoed inside, afraid of breaking the dead silence in the yard. Suddenly, a group of big black dogs sprang out from nowhere, surrounding me with their long pink tongues "wheezing and wheezing". I counted in my heart, and there were eleven of them. I shivered with fear and stood motionless like a wooden chicken, thinking to myself: "Don't bite me, don't bite me. My meat is not tasty." Surprisingly, instead of attacking me, the dogs used their front paws to push themselves off the ground and stand up on their hind legs, performing acrobatics. They slowly approached me on their hind legs, looking ridiculous. The sound they made wasn't "bark woof", but a puzzling "chirp chirp", like a bird's cry. These dogs were mysterious creatures that have been associated with weirdness since ancient times. The owner must be a strange person too. I couldn't tell why these dogs were so strange.

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