Writing on glass

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It was a cold morning, and he walked to the window out of boredom. Looking at the gloomy sky outside, he sighed against the glass on the window, completely unconsciously. So when he saw a line of text appearing on the glass, he was stunned. The writing was beautiful, as if a girl had breathed on the glass and then used her little finger to write down her feelings. But he knew that no female had visited the house for a long time. By accident, he wrote a line of words jokingly under the line of text.

When he came back at night, he walked hesitantly to the window and let out a sigh of relief when he saw there were words on the glass. In response to his message, Juanxiu clear handwriting, slightly scribbled, revealed the author's little panic in addition to being pleasantly surprised. He laughed. Using this glass as a message board, he and this girl he had never seen before started a constant correspondence. He always saw her message when he woke up in the morning and replied. He saw her response again when he got home in the afternoon, so he replied again. Sometimes it was just a short greeting, while other times it was a window full of confessions.

And so the long winter nights were no longer long. Every day when he came home, he had new expectations. Although he had never seen her before, he already introduced her as a confidant. These days, "her" messages were getting shorter and shorter, and the tone became more and more sad. He couldn't resist writing, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so sad?"

"Because spring is coming, and spring is not good," was the last message she left him. It was also the only time he didn't understand what she meant. Spring was coming soon, and he left the house with regret. With the arrival of spring, an unpleasant smell began to fill the room, like something buried in the ground rotted away. Spring is here, spring is not good. The heavy snow and low temperature in winter can hide many things, but in spring, nothing can hide them.

Answer: The girl is a ghost, and her body is buried in the house.

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