Over-analyzing the Wild AU for the sake of it

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Something I wrote for fun, without any kind of specific motives behind it. Though I did sparkled some of my political views in it, to contrast our real world with the clear differences this AU has to offer. In a way, you could think this is me redacting a political essay and using the Wild AU as a way to prove my points. But it wasn't written with this idea un mind. I mean, if it could open doors for people irl to reflect on it, it's good, I guess, but it's not the main attempt.

I have been depicting the Wild AU as a sort of utopia, well, depending on which eyes you decide to view the world in. But it seems like it may be a little more complex than that. And who would be the best suited person to do an over-analysis of the AU other than me, the creator ? So I'll just be looking back at my own creation and extract as much stuff as I can.

The communist analogy

Actually, when I'm looking back at the way characters live their lives in this AU, I notice I made it look a lot like collectivism (for those who live in a group). They live together, work together, have their fields together, the product of these fields are for everyone... Some even share their stables with each other. You don't have to look far to see it, like with Lorraine, Fredly and Luxembourg, and they seem pretty content with their way of living. So why's that ? Because collectivism wasn't really seen as the greatest thing ever, it was met with a lot of criticism (and other way worst consequences).

Well, I feel like the answer is the lack of State and society in general. In this AU, we follow only individuals, there's no "higher authority" to bring these characters together by force. They are, literally, free. And this is why these characters may be happy with their lives : because they really have complete control over them. Not everyone is part of a collectivist group, they chose themselves what future should look like for them, there's no unified State to force them into a certain way of living.

Because, no matter what the ideology is, a State, governing over absurdly large amount of people, is always bound to force them to live a certain way, always watching them as a big uniform mass instead of what they truly are : a bunch of individuals. Not everyone is bound to have the same lives but by putting them in one basket with one single entity on top, you are reducing possibilities and eventually forcing things onto people, whether they want it or not.

The centaurs do not live as a singular society, heck, there's no society for them anyway, they're just animals like any other, living and surviving, and so they do not ow anything to anyone and have no entity to force them to behave and live a certain way.

This is where I see the actual problem with collectivism and communism coming from our reality. It was established by a State, and so it was forced upon people (and having a State entity, still creating an artificial hierarchy, even goes against the core idea behind communism).

There, talking about hierarchy, this is also something that has no place in the AU : they are just individuals living their lives, no one is better than the other. And so they have a choice, if they don't want to share anything with anyone, they can just live alone and plan their survival by themselves. No choice is better than another, they just suit different people and no one is above anyone else.

And real life communism was also doomed from the start because, no matter what, economy still existed, forcing States to have to do profit, and so forcing people to take part of it, which forces so-called "communist" countries to be somewhat capitalist, even if they're lying to themselves. Collectivism in these countries still had to do profit, they weren't made for the lives and survival of the people, which is why it ended up so badly, these two were not meant to work together.

There's no economy in this AU, it's a complete "back to the wild", it works better there because there's no need for profit, just a need for survival that can be easier by sharing everything within a group or do it yourself. They do trades but it doesn't represent profit like in our capitalist societies. It's yet another way of sharing to insure everyone's survival. Which is why there's also no aggressiveness between the different groups and solitary individuals : sharing and being pacific with each other is better for everyone's survival than war and destruction (we will see that later).

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