chapter 31

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Where... where am I? My head hurts so much.

I touched my forehead, and I don't feel skin. Are these bandages? Oh... I remember now.

The little girl who slammed her skull into my forehead, causing severe hemorrhaging.

"I'm sorry..." The little girl was sat next to my bed, head staring straight down. I tilted the girls head up and stared the crying little girl in the eyes.

"It's alright. You're just a child."


'Hans... what is this?' Neo was holding the 'book' that Merlin had given him.

'I believe Merlin called it... hentai? Regardless of the books content, the artwork is incredibly impressive. The way that the story progresses is quite ludicrous.' The usually stoic hans gave his explanation as to what he thought of the book.

'I see...' at that point, Neo left the room to search for the minx.

'Maybe i should've played ignorant.' Hans could only sigh and continue reading the book. There was a reason to his reading, one that he did have valid reason for.

Quite simply, Hans lacks any sexual experience. He did not know sex positions, he did not know pacing, he knew that he knows nothing.

Hentai was an odd solution but it gave him some insight to sex.

There was just one small issue that he could see with this idea.

His height made certain sex positions like a leg over the shoulder impossible due to Neo's height. But...

Merlins earlier spell to disguise him  could work, if he could just... alter it so that it didn't change his appearance, only his height. He didn't know much of the inner workings of magecraft, but he thought at least that, was possible.

He'd find a way.


Neo had been confused about the woman. Hans... wasn't from this world? Not only that, but Merlin was some legendary magic user from his world?

The brother gods were real?

The ice cream coloured criminal was completely baffled by the information.

However, there was one part of Hans arrival that still confused her. An old man that he spoke about just as he was going to die.

Who was he? Neopolitan already had somewhat of an inkling to what the old man did to save her boyfriend. Considering that she could hear two heartbeats when resting her head on his chest, she could guess.

But... who's heart was it?

That was a question that she couldn't answer.

But... Merlin might be able to. That... and she needed to have a talk with the woman.

Neo stumbled upon her just as Merlin was consuming nightmares, the energies sinking into the succubi's hand.

"Oh, hello Neo. What brings you to me~?" The woman adorned her seductive grin like always.

As neo couldn't speak, she had to be inventive. Such as used her semblance to create words in the air.

'What do you know about his second heart?' The woman giggled, as if amused by the question.

"I don't know enough to tell you for sure, I only have suspicions."



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