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Princess Kim Jisoo and Villain Kim Taehyung walked on the cold, glassy floor. Every step they took was being watched by any. Especially for Jisoo's case. The girl had to look down to avoid the creepy and weird glares the villains were giving her. It felt like they could attack her and rip her into pieces anytime soon.

Meanwhile, Taehyung just looked straight forward not budging a glance at anyone except for his fiancé. Worried looks? No, just curious ones. He wanted to know what she really felt, what she really wanted. But those questions were just to sweet to be asked by someone like him. 'She'll just laugh off when I ask her.' He thought in his head.

Intimidation was Jisoo felt when she saw the two thrones settled at the middle of the throne room. She was too confused on what her situation was right now. She knew that the idea of getting back home was just an illusion. She was forever stuck in here. As the Queen of Royalty or if ever, the Mistress of Evil.

It was her own call. She could just think of another way to escape out of the
Fortress of Evil and choose to live as a princess who is suffocated forever by royal rules. Or she could remain here, being watched closely and respected with the title, Mistress of Evil.

"They have quite bit of a chemistry." Lisa whispered to Jungkook at the seats.

Jungkook nodded. "I agree." He smirked then looked at the girl. "Don't we have lovely chemistry too?"

"Shut up you-"

"Shut up, both of you." Yoongi coldly said as he looked back at the couple. The two shut up immediately.

Lisa noticed Rosé's uncomfortable glances at the royal. "You know, talking to that princess, it felt like she was in debt to you for breaking the mirror." She said as Rosé looked at her.

Namjoon nodded silently and whispered, "Me too~"

Rosé let out a small smile and looked at Queen Kim Jisoo. "I guess this is the start of a new beginning. A happily ever after for us. One for the pure, and for the wicked."

They both reached the end of the black carpet and faced the crowd. Taehyung took Jisoo's hand. "You still have a choice, but it will cost everyone here." He whispered to her. Taehyung sighed. "But don't feel guilty about leaving someone behind, especially if that person doesn't value you much."

Jisoo looked at him. She didn't know what to feel. Relief? Joy? "All pay respect to the Master of Evil Kim Taehyung, with his Queen Kim Jisoo." An announcer said. Every villain bowed.

Taehyung looked at each and everyone. But then, his eyes caught a glimpse of villain Lee Dong Wook. The head of the castle premises. The one who gave him the power and authority to be the future master of villainy. He saw a glint of impression in his eyes. Lee Dong Wook nodded and disappeared from his place.

He looked sideways at Jisoo. "How are you feeling?" The princess sure didn't look happy.

"Powerful. A lot more powerful." Jisoo unexpectedly answered. "But I don't like the power I'm having." She gulped. Can I ask you something?"

Taehyung hummed.

"Why didn't you choose a more noble princess for you? Why did you choose me?" She asked.

"Because you're my nemesis's princess. And it was my duty to take away a part of Prince Kim Seokjin's fairytale. For without you, he can never have his happy ending." He paused for awhile. "Same goes for me. I can't have my happy ending without you." He said nonchalantly.

The Princess was flustered with what he said. "But what about my happily ever after?"

The villain sighed. "I define happily ever after as an ending not with happiness but love. And where there is love, there is a happily ever after." Taehyung smirked.


"Did you hear the news? Prince Kim Seokjin's Princess went awol!" A group of princesses laughed cheerfully.

"Thank the heavens I wouldn't have to see her! And her grandmother's clothes!" Wendy swished her fancy fan. "Why'd you think she ran away?"

"I'll give one! She's just to ashamed of herself! Where in the history of fairytales did we ever see a princess dancing a villain!?" Princess Minnie let out an elegant chuckle.

"And think about it! She couldn't even bow properly!? Isn't that the basic rule of being a princess? Proper etiquette and following the poise policy?" They all made fun of her behind her back.

Momo snickered. "I'll guess her face is thicker than it seems so if she'd ever come back. She left Prince Kim Seokjin, a noble, handsome, perfect, royal charming we ever had in this fairytale generation! Is she an idiot or is she just naive?"

"You think she'd come back?" Princess Mina asked.

Irene smiled. "I hope not~ But I should probably marry Seokjin before-"

"No other Princess is marrying me." Seokjin said standing by the corner of the balcony. Where the group of princesses were chit-chatting. "And for your information, she is my fiancé so better watch your mouths." He turned his back before the clingy princesses could say another word.

He was making his way to Princess Yoona's office for any update on how Pricnee Jisoo was but Kim Jennie blocked his way. She had her two hands straight and a death glare right on her face. "Where is Jisoo?"

He sighed. "I'm looking for her."

"Come on! You let the guards look for her! Why don't you take a leave in this castle and look yourself!? Or are you just too scared to get you're hands dirty on the muddy road outside the castle premises?" Jennie said faster than a rapper would.

"Look, I'm doing the best I can to find her. And I also think that spilling all your anger on me because of Jisoo's disappearance wouldn't help me!" Said Kim Seokjin .

"I'm not just being totally loud here. Jisoo's also my friend, and I feel like- like you're not doing any~ thing~" Jennie said.

"I had the guards everywhere. And I'm here at the castle because I'm busy studying-"

"Could you just let go of some of your principles and be a man!?" Jennie scolded him. "And would you please listen to your sister!?" She referred to herself.

The princesses who were eavesdropping gasped. "S-SISTER!?"

Jennie clicked her tongue, "Yeah~ Boo-hoo~ Plot twist! I'm your crush's secret sister!" She flexed at the princesses, especially Irene. She pointed at Princess Bae Irene. "And if ever you marry another princess, please don't pick her." She pointed shamelessly at Irene. "Because she's stupid, insipid, and irascible!"

Bae Irene gasped along with her friends.

"And FYI, Jisoo's still the best option." Jennie stomped her way out of the area.

His brother scoffed and laughed at the same time. "At least that brat's sort of right for the first time." Jin muttered. He then saw Jimin and Hoseok walking in the same isle together.

"Jimin, Hoseok, tell them to prep the horses." He ordered.

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