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Taehyung's knuckles bruised like violets. He was now sitting at the cold dirty floor of the royals' prison cell. He laughed to himself. He's finally landed in his destiny. The worse part was, which he never fully admitted, was he had to watch for the rest of his life, Princess Kim Jisoo and Prince Kim Seokjin have their happily ever after.

Somewhere in the haze of his feelings, felt like he was betrayed. He's in prison for no wrongdoing at all. But mostly because the princess has perished.

"She is dead." Taehyung repeated that phrase a million times. "And if she does wake up, her true love will surely be Prince Kim Seokjin."

"She is the trophy and key to a happily ever after." He chuckled. "And they don't even have to kill me because...they know I love her." He laughed even more louder now. Those laughter turned into cries.

But then suddenly a lard bang reached to the corridors of the prison. He took a peak and saw the two assassins guarding him were unconscious. Taehyung frowned at that sight. "'Sup, our dearest Alpha Villain." Jungkook popped out of nowhere. He was wearing those tuxedo the princes normally wore and had gel on his hair make it seemingly neat and presentable.

He mocked the royals' posh movement as he opened the cell prison.


"We broke in here because...ho-ho, that's not how I saw the ending for our alpha villain." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows then pulled up Taehyung, "Come on! The others are waiting."

The two villains scampered out of the dusty corridor caused by the explosion, "Where's Princess Jisoo?" Jungkook asked as they both ran for their lives and before any other discriminating royal who had screams loud.

Taehyung flinched, "Why?"

"Well, we won't be able to win if the princess receives her true love's kiss. Luck is not on the royals' side now." He gave off a laughter of triumph.

But Taehyung didn't, "Let them be. This is my battle, and...I choose to lose."

"What?" Jungkook stopped hsi tracks, "After everything you've did, we've did, all the kidnapping and stuff and the mission you have for the headmaster, you'll choose to lose? Why?" He asked. "For the first time in centuries, we actually have the chance to win our happily ever after. Why give it up?"

Taehyung sighed, "Bad people never win, Jungkook. They get punished and thrown away like trash. And that's our destiny." He said. "It's not about the luck anymore or the amount of magic we possess over our enemies, but...what the royals said was true. It's what's in the heart of the person."

"I lost not because I wanted to win. But I chose to lose." He added.

"You're in love with her." Jungkook immediately sensed. He offered Taehyung a hug, not expecting the Alpha Villain to accept it. But he did. He hugged Jungkook tight. "Woah!" He laughed at this persona of Taehyung. "You were always so cold and ambitious. I'm glad you're this whole new man."

"It's all because of her. We are not what they say we are. We make our own legacies." Taehyung let go of the hug.

"Are you really gonna let go of her just like that?" Lisa suddenly spoke. She had the rest of the villains behind her back. "We may be freaks and antagonists, but we can still see what love really is." She chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"It simply means we know that she also holds her feelings for you. There's nothing stopping us now, that the mirror of magic's destroyed." Namjoon said. "This is the great war, Alpha Villain. Not some kind of scheme to completely destroy their lives."

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