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Prince Kim Seokjin had two major problems as of this moment. One, was the shattered mirror, which had the dark magic predicting his happily ever after, freed. Two, his princess who went awol all of a sudden, from a perfect, extravagant, royal life.

Soldiers were also searching for the princess, but him, Hoseok, and Jimin went deeper through the woods.

His mined was going back and forth while he was riding his white horse in the depths of the rain forest. The Horse suddenly stepped on a rock and neighed. "Maximus!" He berated the animal's name and caressed it's main to calm it down.

"You okay, Jin?" Jimin asked him as he turned his horse back. Jung Hoseok also had the same worried look for their dear friend.

"Fine, just missed a pebble over there." Seokjin answered and cleared his throat. "We better get moving. Yah!" He hit the horse with it's leash and his horse started racing across the windy and dark forest.

Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok nodded at each other and followed the prince. Then, Prince Seokjin stopped his horse for a moment to look at a small cottage. "The three bears' cottage." He muttered.

"I don't think Princess Kim Jisoo wants to end up like Goldilocks." Park Jimin added as they stared at the cottage with a smoke coming from the chimney. "They must be cooking some hot soup." He chuckled.

"But what if she's in there?" Hoseok stated his doubt. "She could be running and running away from the castle, she got hungry, and then, she ended up in there."

"That would be a terrible conflict to their fairytale." Jimin nudged over Kim Seokjin. "So? Are you positive about checking that cottage? Those are wild bears over there."

"But didn't they welcome Goldilocks?" Prince Jung asked.

"That was the fairytale version. The bears were totally angry when Princess Goldilocks ate their soups, broke baby bear's chair, and slept on their beds!" Jimin whispered.

Jin went down from his horse. He grabbed his sword as he walked towards the small cottage.

"Jin? What are you doing!?" Jimin loudly whispered.

Hoseok went down from his horse too. "It's our mission to find the princess, not to avoid the bears from getting angry." He said as he also grabbed the sword. "Just be thankful that this isn't the gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel's tale."

"B-But- Ugh!" Jimin groaned and went down too. He grabbed the sword and went to catch up with the two princes.

Jin slowly stepped on the front doormat. He cleared his throat and know I thrice, as what Goldilocks did in the fairytale. Immediately, the wooden door creaked open. A delicious smell came out of the door. Jin kept his stance close and held his sword tightly.

He went inside and saw the three bears chilling at their living room. Papa Bear had a ferocious glare at the princes, Mama Bear had a sweat one, and Baby Bear had a scared look.

"A-Are you here to s-steal my p-porridge?" Baby Bear spoke timidly. He grasped Mama Bear's fur.

Jin put down his sword. "We come in peace." He said and put his hands up in the air. The two princess followed what he did. "I am looking for Princess Kim Jisoo. She is destined to be my princess, and she's missing."

Papa Bear remained growled lightly, "We've seen no human ever since Princess Goldilocks attacked us. We do not like humans." The Bear said. "Haven't you learned from our tale? What moral it should've gave the children reading it?"

Jin nodded and sighed. "The moral is to respect other's privacy. That it is the most easiest virtue to break, so we must practice it within ourselves." He stated. The Prince bowed. "I apologize, we will never return here, anymore." He looked at the three bears.

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