new lovestory

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Newts pov

there she is asleep right in front of me looking stunning.

i think i am in love with her i know i used to say i hated her but i think all that hatred was just covering up the fact that i am madly in love with her.

which some people say love is a tricky thing and you never know if it is true and you have to test your love i have and what i realised is i cant stand to see her hurt, i cant stand to be away from her for more then a couple hours, i cant stand to see her with another boy, and i cant stand the fact I've hurt her.

i think about the fact i've hurt her quite a few times and i just feel like beating myself up they say when you meet the right girl you'll know and let me just say i know.

i never though id find someone like her you could put 30 of the most good looking girls in the world in front me and id still only see her i close my eyes pulling her into me and fall asleep thinking of her.

Yns pov

i wake up only to see him in front of me.

i have always had my eyes on him but hes always hated me so i pushed my feelings down to respect his but there has always been this voice in the back of my head telling me to speak true but thats too late now.

i check the time its 10:00am i hear the greenie alarm thats weird whys that going off  the new greenies just arrived here.

i try to get up but newts strong arms are still wrapped around me i tap his arm.

"lizard wake up" he opens his eyes and pulls me on top of him i start blushing and he smirks and chuckles and then lets me up.

i run to the box as gally and the other boys are pulling the top off just as confused as the rest of us newt jumps down.

"It's a girl" he says I look and she's passed out.

I actually don't know how to feel about that before I'd be jumping for joy but now I have this situation with newt I'm just scared she's going to be prettier than me and he'll choose her.

The boys get her up and put her in with the medjacks.

Newt walks over to me and smiles.

"Newt what are we?" I ask.

"Whatcha mean love?" He says pulling a confused face.

"I mean you go from hating me, to apologising, to then being all affectionate to me, then to me waking up next to you and you pull me on top of you so what are we?" He looks at me like he's trying to think.

"We can be whatever you want us to be" he says but that wasn't the answer I was looking for.

"So you don't care?" I say looking down.

"Listen I don't see why we have to make it complicated I mean I like you and you like me so why are we having this conversation?" He says.

"Because you never told me you like me how am I supposed to know newt you have to tell me" I say still looking down.

He lifts my chin up. "Listen love I like you and I have ever since I first saw you but I tried to hide it I'm sorry for everything I've done to you before but I want you to know that I've liked you for the 3 and half years we've been in this hell hole and I just wanna ask you one thing do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He says with a smile on his face.

I'm now smiling like an idiot. "Of course lizard"

He rolls his eyes and grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into a kiss. it was romantic and there was that spark and it wasn't like that stupid kiss that meant nothing with any other boy this was a kiss that shows me he's the one.

Just wanna say I think imma do it so they stay in the glade for longer and they don't get captured by wicked just yet.

enemy's to lovers (newt x yn)Where stories live. Discover now