Finally leaving

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Today something weird happened the guys found a way out we're finally leaving.

Newts worried because obviously I'm pregnant but I'm only a few weeks pregnant so we'll be fine.

We are getting ready to run into the maze when gally stops us.

"You can't go it's all his fault he's done all this he's gonna kill us" he says

"Gal what are you talking about?" I say.

"Your not leaving!" He says and grabs Teresa.

Thomas and newt help her and we run into the maze even though I don't want to leave my brother behind.

We get out and we walk into this room and see a big screen with a women on.

"That must be the bitch that put us in here" I say.

She waffles on about something and then shoots herself in the head.

I gasp.

Then gally appears.

"You should die Thomas you really should" he says and pulls out a gun he shoots but Chuck dives in front of the bullet and falls to the floor.

"Chuck!" Thomas says and throws something right in gallys heart.

"No gally!" I say crying.

"Cmon love we need to go" newt says.

"My brother" I say sobbing.

But these random people came rushing in and pushing us out the door to a helicopter.

"I'm scared I don't trust these people" I whisper to newt.

"Yeah no me either" he whispers back.

We get to this place and this guy janson I think he looks a bit shady.

They split everyone up.

"No no please he's my boyfriend please let me stay with him" I beg.

"Fine we'll allow it" he says and let's me go with them.

I walk over to newt and hug him we go to the room and I cry.

"I don't wanna stay here I don't trust them" i say.

"They took us in and helped us just stop being paranoid and be grateful" Thomas says.

"Oh" I say.

"Mate don't be like that to her" newt says.

"She's scared and honestly they are shady why would they have clinics and everything if they were helping us" he says.

Thomas shrugs.

They inject us with this weird thing the only good thing about it was newt looked hotttt!!.

Time skip
We just found out that they are the creators and we've just escaped.

We're in this desert place and we've picked up a guy called aris.

He's taking us to places.

We go to this spooky looking place that looks like it's abandoned.

And a girl comes out of nowhere and points a gun at us and somehow she ties up upside down from string.

"Listen keep us tied up but please let her down she's pregnant" newt pleads.

She hums "fine" and cuts me down.

"Where are you from"  she asks.

"W.C.K.E.D took us" i say.

"Shit that's what I was afraid off" she says and takes us to a guy who cuts a tracker out of our neck.

Then tells us to hurry and follow them.

We run and reach this place where a girl points a gun at us.

"What the actual fuck is up with people pointing guns at us" I say newt smirks.

Then she recognises aris and she takes us with her.

Wicked have taken teresa so now we have to go save her so we are all thinking of a plan.

When the door opens and someone with a wicker uniform comes through.

He takes off his mask and it's gally.

"Omg gal I thought you were dead" I say.

"No you left me to die" he says.

"No gal I didn't they made me leave" I say.

He says he'll help us with Teresa so we set off to leave.

As we walk into wicked I get a shiver.

As we are outside I hear someone who sounds like Teresa say something about newt and Brenda looks at me eyes wide.

"Yn we have to go" she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"It's newt turns out he got bit he needs the cure" she says.

"Well you have it you can give it to him" I say.

"Minhos coming to get it now" i nod.

I'm panicking now and pacing back and forth.

Minho comes running.

He grabs the cure and I run with him.

But he was too late I watch as my boyfriend and father of my baby slowly dies.

I fall to my knees.

"NOOOOO! MY BABY NOO!!" I shout I feel someone inject me with something and I feel darkness.

Awoop jumpscare I can't go through newtie dying again but it has to happen :( even though it is very upsetting

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