"Music is my home"

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Today is the day the I can send down a note with things I need/want.

That's the only good thing about being stuck in here you get anything you want.

My note had on a load of music and artists which are
Adele, David Kushner, artic monkeys, chase Atlantic, Taylor swift and Abba.

And one more thing a pregnancy test I know it's a weird thing but I really have the symptoms and I'm a bit anxious so I need one.

I'm not telling newt just yet until I'm certain I don't want to get his hopes up.

Time skip
The box came up today and newt brought a box into our hut.

"What's all this love?" He asks.

"I just asked for a few things, girl things" I say back.

He nods.

I open the box and see a whole box of pregnancy tests and I mean like a box of 30.

Why on gods green earth would I need 30 pregnancy tests?.

I grab 2 and go to the toilet.

I grabbed 2 because incase ones faulty I use them and it says wait for 15 minutes.

After 10 minutes I hear a knock on the stall.

"Hey love you okay in there you've been a while?" I hear newt say.

"Yeah I'm fine I'll be out in a minute" I say.

"Okay" he says walking out.

I turn over the tests and I see Positive.

Oh god I'm pregnant no oh my god how am I going to look after a child.

I go to go eat and I see newt and sit next to him.

"You okay you don't look too good" he asks.

"Yeah I'm fine" I smile.

I see Teresa and I excuse myself to talk to her.

"Hey Teresa can you help me?" I ask she nods and we go to the tree house.

"What's up?" She asks.

"I'm trying to find a way how to put this but I'm pregnant and I dont know how to tell newt or if he'd want it" I say on the verge of tears.

"Oh my god girl congrats I'm sure newt will love the baby" she says.

"No I know newt and we've been stuck here for 3 yrs he's always said he doesn't want kids bc it's cruel that they'd have to be stuck here" i sigh finally letting the tears out.

"Dont worry I'm sure he'll change his mind as soon as you tell him" she says and hugs me.

I go and walk up to newt.

"Can I talk to you?" i say with a shaky breath.

He wipes my tears away with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay? Baby what's wrong?" He says.

"Can we talk please in private?" I say.

"Is this some way of trying to break up with me?" He asks worried.

"No no I would never leave you I love you" I say he lets out a breath and smiles.

"I love you too" he says we go to our hut and I sit him down.

"I'm pregnant and I get if you don't want to have it and you don't want me anymore" i say looking down and crying.

He lifts my head up.

"That is the greatest news I've ever heard of course I want it and I want you why are you crying baby?" He says smiling and wiping my tears.

"I thought you wouldn't want it" I say in a whisper.

"Of course I want our baby" he says and kisses me.

I go and tell Teresa his reaction and she was so happy for me.

"Sooo you and tommy what's happening with you two?" I say smiling.

"Well he asked me out and we've kissed but we haven't took the next step he wants to but I'm scared" she says i nod.

"Well wait until your ready don't rush you'll know when you want to and when it's the right time" I say.

"Thanks" she says smiling.

"Now do you wanna have some real fun?" I say she nods.

I turn on some music by artic monkeys and we start dancing and swaying our hips to the music while everyone watches and laughs.

Then David kushner comes on and newt grabs my hands and spins me around.

"I wanna make a announcement I'm gonna be a dad!!!" Newt shouts.

Everyone cheers and comes and congratulates me Minho comes and hugs me and says congrats.

Gally comes up to me.

"Your pregnant?" He says i nod.

He smiles "I'm gonna be an uncle!!" He says I laugh.

"Why do you listen to music so much?" Newt asks.

"Because music is my home" I say.

A n
What a shocker yns pregnant honestly who saw that coming probably a lot of people :)

enemy's to lovers (newt x yn)Where stories live. Discover now