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It's been about 3 months since me and newt broke up and even though I still love and miss him it was time to move on.

I met this guy Blake and he loves me and the kids he's great.

Newt has the kids 3 days and I have them 4 out the week but we do swap over.

And if the kids want to stay at his on my day there welcome to I'm fine with it.

What has suprised me is that newt keeps pushing Isabella away and keeps rejecting her.

It makes me second guess myself and think have I got it wrong did he really cheat but Teresa said she saw them herself.

Teresa wouldn't lie to me, yes we've had our differences but we made up once we both realised we were being immature and our friendship just got better since both having kids.

The kids don't really like Blake I think newts telling them not to so I'm gonna have a word with them this morning before Thomas comes to fetch them.

"Has daddy said anything about Blake?" I ask.

"Yea he said not to be mean to him" Ivy says.

"Is that it he just said not to be mean"

"But he looked sad so we don't like Blake bcs he makes daddy sad"

"No no he doesn't talk to daddy so he couldn't make daddy sad honey" I say.

She looks up at me.

"We heard him crying about it saying Blake is taking over and you'll forget about daddy to uncle tom" she says.

"So that's why your being mean to Blake?"

"We don't like him mommy" Ivy says looking upset.

"Why he's been with us for like 2 months why now?"

"When you leave he shouts at us and is really mean" she says on the verge of tears.

"Does he do it to you Lukey?" I ask.

He slowly nods.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You looked happy mama" he answers.

There's a knock at the door.

I open it and it Blake and newt.

"Hi you two why are you together?" I ask.

"We came at the same time" newt answers.

I nod.

"Me and you need a word" I say annoyed pointing at Blake.

"Okay well I'll take the kids off your hands now" newt says.

"Also we need a word as well I'll come round later" he nods and leaves.

"What you wanna talk about?"

"Why the hell have you been shouting at MY kids when I'm gone!?" I shout.

"Who told you that?" He says.

"They did and your not denying it!" I say anger pouring out of me.

"Baby you'd really believe them brats over me" he says.

"Stfu I'm not your baby and there not brats you stupid prick we're over fuck off!" I shout.

"Fine I'll just go find Isabella"

"Go ahead dick" I say.

I sigh and walk over to newts house.

I knock.

He answers with no shirt.

"Oh hey wasn't expecting you this early but come in" he steps aside to let me in.

"What happened with you and Isabella anyway?" I ask.

"What do you mean"

"Well I mean you kissed her but now your rejecting her and everything" I say.

"I never kissed her it was a misunderstanding Teresa saw her kiss me and as soon as she did I pushed her away" he says.

My heart drops he didn't kiss her it was a misunderstanding I got it wrong.

"Newt im so so so sorry I didn't realise and didn't let you explain I'm so sorry" I say regretting the whole charade from the past 3 months.

He looks at me and his eyes flash happiness.

"It's fine but I really don't forgive you" he says.

Pain went through my body but I get his decision.

I nod.

"Okay if that's what you feel that's fine but I'm truly sorry" I said.

He looked at me and smirked.

He was fucking with me.

"Damn it newt you prick" I say laughing.

He pulls me in for a hug and kisses the top of my head.

"It's fine love we're fine it was all a misunderstanding I still love you" he says and I feel relieved.

"I love you too lizard" I say and kiss his lips.

"Yayyyy there back together lukey!!" We hear Ivy shout we laugh.

Hope you liked this part there back together what gender should the new baby be bc idk

enemy's to lovers (newt x yn)Where stories live. Discover now