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3 years later

Me and newt are so so happy today is the day of the wedding his best man is Thomas obviously then he chose Minho gally and frypan as his groomsmen.

I chose Teresa as my maid of honour and I chose Brenda Sonya and Harriet as my bridesmaids.

Gally and Harriet really hit it off and actually started dating 1 year ago I'm so happy she's so sweet and I'd love her as my sister and she's now pregnant with my little niece.
Oh also minho and Sonya started dating 2 years ago I'm so so so happy for him he told me as soon as he set eyes on her he fell in love he finally worked up the courage to ask her out.

Ivy rose and Minnie are the flower girls.

Luke, Teddy and Jacob are the pageboys.

We had teddy last year so he's only one and I will be carrying him down the isle with me but Teresa will hold him when we get to the vows.

I asked Jorge to walk me down the isle because he's been the closest thing to a father I've ever had he said yes.

The music came on and it was time for me to walk down the aisle.

(The song playing is young and beautiful slowed)

I'm so nervous but we start walking down and when we reach newt Teresa takes teddy and Jorge says.

"If you hurt my daughter I will hang you up and shoot you got it"

Tears came in my eyes he called me his daughter I hug him so tight.

"Thank you dad" I say.

"Hey don't cry you'll ruin your makeup"

He sits down.

Apparently Hank can officiate weddings.

Time for the vows.

"Newt we have been together since the very beginning we have had some tough times and we have raised 4 beautiful children and I hope to raise a few more with you" people chuckle "I am so happy that we let all the bad things go to the past because we would not be standing here right now and I stand here proud to say I will be your wife in a few minutes and you will be my husband in a few minutes and I am so grateful that you pulled through the virus and that you can stand here infront of me today I love you and promise to until the day I die"

At this point the tears are all down my face and I am full blown crying in front of everyone.

"I don't think I could beat that but Yn you always upstage me" he laughs "I honestly love everything about you like the way you smile and laugh I love your eyes and I'm so glad all of our kids have most of your features and I would love to raise more with you too I'm so glad that I'm standing here today with the most important people of my life and marrying the most beautiful amazing and perfect women In the whole universe I'm such a lucky man and I'm definitely punching above my weight but I'm so glad you chose me"

Im even worse now everyone's clapping a few people are in tears.

"You may kiss the bride congratulations your married" Hank says.

"TIME FOR THE PARTY!" Minho shouts.

Everyone cheers.

We laugh.

I grab teddy and we go and have the night of our lives.

enemy's to lovers (newt x yn)Where stories live. Discover now