Part 11

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Suddenly, Lucy woke up. She was wearing a white hospital gown with blue spots, and there was a bandage around her arm. Her hair was in a ponytail, and spread out on her pillow. Her feet were sore, and felt stiff and heavy. Using more energy than was expected, she heaved herself up, and looked at her feet. They were wrapped in soft, linen bandages, and we're so swollen they looked like big, fluffed-up pillows. 'Great.' She thought. 'Just great.' Just then, the nurse walked in. "Would you like a drink?" She asked, her face flashing a look of almost love for a moment, before she covered it up with her stern, usual looks.

Lucy sipped at her drink slowly. It was in a big glass, and she'd decided it would be better if she held it in both hands. It was a pale pinky colour, with swirling, peach mists. It was actually rather beautiful to look at, supposed Lucy. Suddenly, interrupting her thoughts, the nurse popped her head round the edge of the door. "You have a visitor!" she said, a smile playing

on her lips. She opened the door, and disappeared from Lucy's view. Slowly, Rose walked into the room.

Settling onto a three-legged stool next to Lucy's bed, Rose looked at Lucy with a concerned look on her face. "How are you?" she asked.

"In need of some TLC," said Lucy, with a weak smile. Rose had no idea what this TLC was. "An acronym for Tender Loving Care," Lucy informed her. "Oh, well, I can give you that at least," replied Rose, grinning. Gently, she reached over, and gave Lucy a comforting hug. "How was your operation?" she asked.

"Oh, I dunno. I was asleep, wasn't I?!"

"Oh yeah!"

They both burst out laughing. Shaking her head, Lucy said the words "You silly!"

"Hey! I'm not silly!" Said Rose indignantly, folding her arms over her chest. Not noticing the danger signs, Lucy replied with "Well, you can be!" Starting to get rather upset and angry, Rose stood up. Casting an angry glance at Lucy, she stormed out of the room.

Leaning back on her pillows, Lucy felt pangs of regret, loneliness and sadness shoot though her bleeding heart. She had not meant nor tried to upset Rose. She was only trying to have some fun, and now she had lost her only friend in this strange, unknown world. Suddenly, she realised that the tears were falling thick and fast onto her pillow. When had that happened? She hadn't realised she was crying!

The door creaked slowly open, and the nurse came in. Picking up the stool that Rose had knocked over in her anger, sat down beside Lucy, who ignored her completely. Lucy was sobbing so heavily now, that she couldn't talk. Using this to her advantage, the nurse grabbed Lucy under the armpits, and pulled her onto her lap. Poor Lucy was shocked more than

anything else. Slowly, the nurse rocked her to and fro. It was soothing for Lucy, and snuggling her face into the nurse, her crying ceased a little. After a while, the nurse put Lucy back on her bed, and looked at her questioningly. Lucy resisted the urge to start crying all over again. Why had she said it? Why?

"Well?" questioned the nurse.

Lucy began to tell the nurse everything. How she had made fun of Rose, and Rose, in turn, stormed angrily out. She started crying again as she recalled the horrible events that had happened just an hour or two earlier. She imagined the sound of her heart cracking into two pieces. Or did she actually hear it?

Aww, my children. So overdramatic.
I'm not in a great mood today, got any funny stories or jokes to make me feel better?
Love you guys, thanks for reading this rubbish and putting up with me!

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