Part 14

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Lucy was sitting on the end of her bed with little Ivan on her knee, reading him a story about strange little orange men called 'The Jarankees.'

"So, the little orange Jarankees went out to mine for gold and silver," she read.

"One Jarankee, called Arazonel, hated mining. He never found anything, not even a small scrap of silver!"

Ivan bit his thumb and smiled. This was his favourite story, and it always made him giggle.

"Right, I think that's enough story for one day!" announced the nurse, and Ivan groaned, and protested fiercely;

"But the story's not done yet! I wanna hear the bet where Ari-zone-al falls down the cliff and bounces on the rocks like a bouncy ball!"

The nurse shook her head, and carried the fighting and protesting Ivan to his bed. When she came back, she smiled at Lucy, and there was kindness and love in her eyes.

Lucy was woken by a bleeping sound. She sat up straight, suddenly alert. What was it? Was it a fire alarm? Lucy detested fire alarms, ever since as a little girl she heard the saddest story about a little girl who's flat had set on fire and she had nearly been killed as she was on the toilet when it rang out.

Just then, the nurse bustled out, and Lucy's breathing slowed a bit, because she knew if there was danger, the nurse would save her, surely. The nurse's voice suddenly rang out loud and clear; "Don't worry, it is just my alarm ringing. It means a member of the royal family is in serious medical danger. I have to go, so go back to sleep."

All night long, Lucy worried about who in the royal family had fallen ill. It scared her to think about it. Was it Rose? Was it the king? Lucy didn't know any other members of the royal family, so she kept thinking about them two. Slowly, she drifted off.

Heyy, so I kinda wanna know more about you guys.
What country/city/state are you from?
I'm from England and I live in a small town called Sandiacre smack bang in the middle of Nottingham and Derby.
And yes, I drink tea. 

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