Part 25

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Lucy was lying asleep in her bed, wrapped up in the covers like a sausage roll or a burrito when a loud noise erupted from the doorway. One of the nurses Was trying to wheel another bed, with another person inside her room!

"No need to worry dearie, we aren't putting you with a complete stranger." Said one of the nurses, a short round woman with brown hair twisted into a French braid over her left shoulder.

"Ivan?" Asked Lucy cautiously.

A young doctor strolled lazily through the door. He looked young, only about 16 or 17. His name badge read 'Dr. Ivan Mellor'.

"That's me!' he said in a voice with a soft accent that sounded rather Scottish. Yep, she was definitely in a hospital. Great. Just great.

"Wrong Ivan," said Lucy quietly. He cupped his hand behind his ear.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," he said. Lucy shook her head and looked away. "Nothing".

Once all the nurses had left, Lucy got a chance to finally look at whoever it was in the bed next to her. It was definitely a girl. Whoever it was had stitches over a long nasty scar across her head. Her hair had been shaved to a stubble. Her arm was in a cast that covered her whole arm and her elbow was bent into a right angle. The cast went up to her shoulder and looked really uncomfortable. But the most horrifying thing was her leg. It was in a cast which went up her right leg and waist to her belly button. It was secured to the bed in a huge metal brace. When Lucy looked closer, she could see the girl had small metal strips around her wrists too which also tied her arms to the bed.

Lucy stared in fascination and horror and disgust as a nurse came in with a huge machine. She trundled it over until it was next to the girl's bed, and bent down to pick up a wire dangling out the side of the machine. When she had it in her grasp, she held it up.

Lucy looked away at once. The tip of the wire was a long thin needle, and she could guess what the nurse was going to do with it. And, she was right. When she turned back, she saw the wire sticking into the girl's pale arm.

The nurse flashed Lucy a quick smile and left the room. After she had left, another nurse walked in, but this nurse Lucy knew. It was the nurse who had done her feet, who had done Ivan's hand. Lucy smiled at her weakly, and flopped down on her bed, forgetting her bad back and shoulders. She gasped in pain and sat up again, trying to hide it from the nurse by coughing. But, of course, it didn't work. The woman was a professional nurse, after all."Are you alright?" She asked Lucy.

Lucy looked at her. There was no point in lying to her - she already knew she wasn't. Lucy shook her head, and looked down at her lap, but that was all the nurse needed. She plonked herself down next to Lucy, who struggled not to cry. Lucy shook her head again, and this time tears ran down her face. She leant into the nurse and the nurse didn't push her away. 'The poor girl probably hadn't had a cuddle in ages,' thought the nurse.

Rose woke up with a start. How long has she been asleep? There was a body in the bed next to her, but she struggled to focus. Her vision was blurry and she was seeing double, and slowly, she passed out again against her will.

Lucy looked at the girl in wonderment. How many times was she going to wake, just to pass out again? And was it bad?

Rose woke up again and coughed. She tried to sit up but fell straight back down again. She literally couldn't sit up! Rose was really confused for a minute before she turned her head to the side and saw her wrists had been strapped to the bed. Were her legs strapped down to?

She lifted her left leg - all good. She could move it - it wasn't strapped down. She tried to lift her right leg, but not only could she not move it, it now hurt worse than any pain she had ever experienced.

It hurt so bad she suddenly felt really dizzy and started seeing double. She groaned as a wave of pain washed over her whole body, not just her leg this time. Her head hurt, her tummy hurt, her throat hurt, and her arm hurt where all the drugs and chemicals or whatever they were were being pumped inside of her.

She groaned again, and collapsed onto the bed.

Lucy looked over at the girl in horror. Should she call a nurse? Was she ok? Was doing that even normal? The girl groaned again and Lucy decided yes, she should call a nurse. But how? She looked around the room. Next to her bed was a big red button labelled nurse, She decided to give that a try. Still wondering whether it was the right choice, Lucy reached over and pressed it.

What's your favourite genre/type of book to read?
I like anything lgbtq+, especialy bxb novels. Idk why lol.

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