Chapter 10

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No one saved me but someone did teach me to swim,

At the end of the day, I still drowned of exhaustion from swimming.

Lilith feels someone's hands gently brushing over different parts of her body; some areas feel numb, some make her whole body erupt in excruciating pain. When that happens it always makes her cry out, she's too dizzy to control it like she normally would, and she hates herself for it.

Anyone nearby now knows how weak she is. She's normally so so good at putting on a strong front; she hates that she can't control her cries.

The hands stop and she feels the presence leave the room, shutting the door behind them quietly. Now is her chance to wake up, properly this time. She forces her eyes fully open, it's almost impossible to stop them drooping back down against her will but she keeps them open as much as she can.

All she wants is to feel safe enough to fall asleep, but she certainly doesn't feel safe right now when she has no clue where she is or who she's with.

She knows Lorenzo must be around somewhere, but she hasn't felt his presence since she semi-passed out when those hands started touching her.

Her body cries in protest as she rolls slowly to the edge of the bed, her ribs ache aggressively and her head really is throbbing now from the shaking she was given.

Lilith shoves her top's sleeve into her mouth and takes a deep breath in before throwing her legs over the side of the bed and standing. Her scream is somewhat muffled by the fabric but it's startlingly loud in such a quiet room.

She hopes that Lorenzo and the presence are far away, she doesn't want them coming back. She sees a first aid kit on the floor and sends a quick thank you up to whoever is listening to her prayers.

If she can just bandage herself up and get some pain killers, then she'll be fine. She always is. She refuses to let today be the day she goes to hospital due to her dad.

She bends down to pick up the first aid kit and it sends such intense pain through her that she has to sit back on the bed to stabilise herself.

This is going to be harder than she thought.

She's just about to try again when the door opens and in walks a lady, supposedly the presence from earlier. She's got blonde hair, with a few stray greys but they blend in easily and are almost unnoticeable. Her pale skin contrasts her bright green eyes, and she gives her a small smile before picking up the first aid kit with ease.

"Hello, I'm Genevieve but you can just call me Eve." She says in a gentle voice. Lilith hasn't heard someone speak with such kindness before that it makes her still. Eve doesn't look sympathetic, which Lilith's grateful for, but she looks at her with understanding. That's not worrying in the slightest.

She doesn't reply and gives a simple nod instead, which sends her headache back into full force. She grabs her head as if she can make the pain stop just with a touch, it's unsuccessful though.

"Please lie back down on the bed, you've got quite a few injuries but I'll fix them for you. I'm a nurse and my husband is a surgeon, he'll be here shortly to do the parts that I can't." Lilith suddenly realises why she looked so understanding before, she probably sees people like her all the time if she works with the NHS.

Well, she guesses this is the best place to go considering she refuses to go to the hospital.

Eve hands her a glass of water and some pain killers which she eagerly takes. She doesn't even need the water to take pills but she's so thirsty right now that she chugs the whole glass.

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