Chapter 18

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God couldn't forgive like this.

Lilith turns away from Lorenzo sharply, she knows it's inevitable that he's going to talk to her but that doesn't mean she has to acknowledge him. She busies herself by wiping the back counter down as slowly as possible to buy herself time. She's not ready to talk to him, or anyone for that matter. The thing is she really does want to talk to him. She wants to reassure herself that everything is okay and that he's still the nice Enzo that she's gotten acquainted with over the past few days, but the side of her that refuses to trust anyone fully won't let her get her hopes up. She's painfully aware that she's the only one holding herself back from finding a little bit of goodness in this world, but she can't help it.

She told him things about her which she hasn't told anyone before, and sure it was almost always only due to circumstance that he was there to witness her at her weakest, but she still made a conscious decision to tell him those things.

"Can I get a beer, whatever's on tap." She hears his voice ask. It's smart that he's ordering something, she can't ignore him if he's a customer. But she knows he isn't eighteen, so it won't last for long.

"Can I see some ID?" She asks in a fake sweet voice.

He silently pulls it out of his wallet and hands it to her. She's ready to laugh in his face and hand it back to him but it says he is eighteen. It's got to be a fake then, unless he somehow is eighteen but that can't be possible. They've been in the same year since he joined, and surely someone would've told her that he was technically a year above.

"Just checking this is real." She says, forcing the curiosity out of her voice.

She runs it under the scanner on the register, and it beeps which shows it truly is a real ID. She badly wants to question how he's eighteen but in the same year as her, but she also wants him to leave as soon as possible so she holds her tongue. She guesses he retook a year, but why she has no clue. He's smart, and never gets a bad test score so she doesn't see why he would need to retake a year.

Lilith hands it back to him, albeit reluctantly, and starts pouring his beer. As soon as she hands it to him, he takes a long drink, and half of it is gone before he sets it down on the bar.

"You know when we were at mine last night, and I said you could lean on me?" He pauses and waits for Lilith's nod of confirmation, "And how you said I could lean on you too? Well, I need to tell you some things about myself. It's not just because I need to, but its because I want to prove to you that I truly do understand some of the things you're going through." Enzo explains, and it piques her interest immediately; her previous plan to avoid talking to him flying out the window.

"What do you have in mind?" She asks, unable to hide the curiosity in her voice this time.

"It's a lot to ask, I know your shift ends late and you probably won't want to talk much after, but can you come to my house tonight? I'll drive you of course, if you're okay with that. You opened up to me about what you've been through, so I just thought if I opened up to you it would prove that you can trust me." He explains.

"Fine. Sure. My shift ends at 4am, I'll meet you outside." She agrees.

Lilith expects him to turn around and go home, 4am is a long time away considering it's only 6:30pm right now, instead he just moves to the end of the bar and sits there, watching her. She doesn't mind this time though, at least he's far away and it's getting busier as the night progresses so she barely looks at him after that.

Time passes quickly, but she feels Enzo's lingering gaze on her as she works. It's not as unnerving as she once found it, but she doesn't trust her own judgement anymore though.

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