I Really Do Need You, Now

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"Oh my god, Pip," Cara laughed, showing her best friend her phone. "Look, you have to do this on Ravi." She said.

Pip furrowed her eyebrows as she watched the TikTok Cara was showing her: telling my boy best friend i need him.

Blood flushed to her cheeks, her eyes wide. "No way! I can't do that to Ravi."

"Why not? It's funny." Cara said, giving Pip a look that read you know I'm right.

And she did know Cara was right - it would be funny, and maybe...maybe it would confirm Pip's sneaking suspicion that Ravi had feelings for her.

Pip had just turned eighteen, three months ago. Since they met, she and Ravi had been... sort of talking. But so far, nothing had come of it.

Maybe this could get his attention.

She sighed, picking up her own phone and opening her messages with Ravi. "I hate you," she told Cara.

"You love me."


Hey, Sarge. What's up?

"What is that contact name? Oh my god!" Cara cackled, tears pricking her eyes.

"Don't even ask," Pip muttered, rolling hers.

i need you.

Are you okay, Pip? What's wrong?

Pip looked up to Cara. "Is this like, a..."

"It's whatever you think it should be, muchacha."

"Oh, gosh."

no, ravi, it's not...
it's, um...

pip? are you okay?

"Ooh, he's switched to lowercase," Cara teased.

"Shut up!"

"Tell him to come over!" Cara grinned, a smirk plastered across her lips.

"But you're here."

"I can leave," she shrugged.

Pip rolled her eyes, looking back down at her phone.

i need u, ravi.
come over?
Read at 2:31 pm

"Oh, shit." The girls said in sync, Cara hurrying to hide her bags under her bed. "I'll be back for those!" She shouted, slipping on Pip's carpet as she jumped to her feet. "And tell me everything."

Pip sighed, knowing Ravi was probably hurrying faster than needed. Cara stayed a little longer to help Pip create an outfit that was slightly more attractive, eventually deciding on her cropped talk nerdy to me tank top and a pair of black pajama shorts.

"Perfection." Cara decided, grabbing Pip's lipgloss and handing it to her.

"What if he's gotten the wrong idea?" Pip asked, anxious.

"Then clarify, Pippa." She said with an eye roll, grabbing Pip's phone and opening it.

"What're you -"

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